Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Brand new Pitch Fork Plus not working

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    Last night, I received a Pitch Fork Plus that I ordered from Musician’s Friend. I unboxed the package, plugged in the power supply, and I saw that the two lights by the footswitches turn on but nothing else. The LED display doesn’t light up, and when I pressed down on the footswitches or any of the buttons on the pedal they don’t respond at all. The lights by the footswitches don’t turn on or off, and the buttons never light up. As risky as it seems, I tried other power supplies to see if the power supply I received was the problem and… Nope. Still didn’t work. My brand new Pitch Fork Plus isn’t working. Is there something that I’m missing? Do I need to open up the pedal and turn a switch on or something? Is there a button combination to activate the pedal or something? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    So sorry to hear this! If you are using the EHX supply, please return it for another unit.
    Everything is tested before it leaves the factory but who knows what happened in shipping.
    Again sorry for your trouble.

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