Home Forums Help/Technical Questions BMP 3003-c daughter board

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    doing some tinkering with an nyc reissue (adding a blend) and i’d like to make sure that i’ve got the daughter board on the 3pdt figured out right, so if anyone can confirm/fix my lil diagram that’d be awesome!

    [fx in] [led -] [fx out]
    [input] [grnd] [output]
    [jumper] [fx in] [jumper]

    this is looking at the switch with the ribbon directly ahead. and the from left to right the ribbon is:

    input / fx in / ground / led – / output / fx out


    switch looks correct; not sure about the ribbon though – I don’t have one and can’t confirm/deny.


    cool man. switch lookd similar to what i usually see, but for whatever reason that ribbon cable had me all freaked out. spaghetti wires, no problem; tidy little ribbon, ahhhhhhhh!

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