Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Black Russian Muff Pots

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    I just repaired a black muff and I need to solder the pots back in, unfortunately they seem to have different values than the muff I’m using for reference. Instead of three 100k pots, one is marked 10KM and the other two are marked M10M. Can anybody please tell me which pot is which?


    The first one are 10 Kohms and the one with M10M marking is 100 Kohms for sure

    Ned Flanders

    The M10M is 100k as I have soem of these spare myself and I measrued them. If you have only one 10k one use it for the sustain knob and use the 100k’s for the tone(quite important) and the other for the volume.

    10k in the tone will drastically change the tone sweep of the muff. 200k is fine but not so much 10k.

    The sustain SHOULD be fine with 10k.


    All my pots are 100k, so idk.

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