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    I just bought a Black Finger and want to replace the tubes. What are good tubes to replace it with?


    I would suggest them in this order:
    – Mullard
    – Tungsol
    – Groove Tubes Gold
    – Ruby Tubes

    I have personally used Ruby Tubes in mine but understand that’s not most’s preference in regards to tube. I like the Ruby’s because they are mellow, and warm… very lush and musical to me with nice harmonics. Some are more neutral and sterile sounding, which many prefer…. you’d have yo consider all of this. I recently ordered a slew of other tubes including all the ones mentioned above. I look forward to experimenting with them all, but can conclude that I’ve been happy with the Ruby tubes switch.

    EDIT: I should say…. Ruby is a matching kinda private labeling like service…. and the ones I ended up with were JJ’s 12AX7’s. Some of theirs I have are actually Chinese makes and other Soviet.


    I use the EHX stock and vintage Sylvanias in the 2 Black Finger units I have.

    But I’ve also tried Groove Tubes, and they made the most dramatic difference. They really laid on the compression thick. Very cool choice of tubes if you want your Black Finger to get into DynaComp or White Finger territory.

    Both the EHX and the Sylvanias are much more subtle in comparison.


    I am going to try some Tungsols and some JJ’s in my Black Finger tomorrow.

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