Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Black Finger Tube Compressor trouble shooting

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  • #199534

    Like many, I love the sound of this and having it in my collection. Also like many, it’s not functioning at 100%. The issue I get is a low level intermittent sound that resembles a phasey, fuzzy sweep. Sounds like a dirty tone sweeping up in frequency. It happens randomly after the unit has been on – maybe more frequently as it heats up. The bypass switch will stop it, but only really resets the clock before it happens again. All the controls function as they should and the pedal sounds great otherwise.

    I’ve tried obvious fixes like tubes and power supply, but so far its still screwing up my recordings with these random sweep sounds.

    Anyone else have this problem or intuition about what’s malfuntioning?


    Sounds like it is the internal power section.
    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com


    Parasitic oscillation – I think may be the term I’m looking for here. This device does seem to be sensitive to interference from surrounding devices, including its own power supply transformer.

    Does anyone have a guess on if I could try isolating or insulating specific wires from areas of the circuit board to resolve this?


    Is this email still active? Have tried twice with no responce.

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