Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Black Finger Compressor – Type of Lamp?

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    I have a Black Finger. Great pedal.

    Here’s my question. Does anyone know if the lamp setting uses an incandescent lamp or an electro-luminescent lamp?

    The reason I’m asking is I think the documentation might have it mixed up. The Black Finger manual says something about less compression on the highs but I think I’m actually hearing more compression on the highs, and a nice thump on the lows. It sounds to me just like the description of the electro-luminescent lamp in the NY-2a documentation (https://www.ehx.com/assets/instructions/ny-2a.pdf). The presence of the normal/sqsh switch also supports the idea of it being the electro-luminescent and not the incandescent. Additionally, the NY-2a manual says it sounds great for blaring electric guitar, which it does.

    Finally, the Electro-luminescent
    panel optocoupler has an interesting frequency dependent characteristic. EL lamps change color with
    frequency. Photocells have a range of sensitivity but most chemistries peak in either the red/yellow
    range or in the blue/ultraviolet. Most EL lamps go from yellow green at low frequencies (30 – 60 Hz)
    to blue (300 – 600 Hz) to purple (2 to 20 KHz). Additionally, EL lamps produce less light at low
    frequencies, more in the middle, and most at the top until the capacitance of the lamp lowers the
    impedance to a short circuit somewhere around 80KHZ. The right choice of lamp, together with a
    spectrum sensitive photocell, will create a natural “de-essing” circuit that compresses high frequencies
    more than low. This is excellent for vocals and for loud blaring electric guitar. The EL opto-coupler in
    the NY-2A has 2 settings: normal, which is generally flat except for a small bump in the bass, and
    squash, which compresses the top more.


    Question: EHX Black Finger pedal – is the “lamp” incandescent or electro-luminescent?


    Thanks for purchasing a Black Finger. Lamp uses an incandescent lamp in the Black Finger.


    Weird. I was almost sure it was the EL.

    Sounds great though.

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