Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Big Muff

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    About Big Muff Pi and “true bypass”. I’ve had an older version of the Pi (switch with 6 lungs) for a few years and it effected the bypassed tone a great deal: the sound was muddier and it cut the highs significantly, seemed to “eat the sound” so to speak. This problem occurred with a 9V battery and with adapter.
    So… I bought the latest version of the Muff Pi (the one that should be “true bypass” according to EHX). Well, it’s not. It also cuts the highs, but doesn’t eat the sound nearly as much as the older version.
    I have lot of pedals in my pedalboard, but all the testing was done with just a VOX ac 30, Fender Jazzmaster and the Muff.

    The bottom line: This pedal effects the bypassed sound only that little that now I can deal with the muff being a part of my board. It’s a lot easier than dealing with no Big Muff at all…still love the sound of the pedal.

    So… I bought the latest version of the Muff Pi (the one that should be “true bypass” according to EHX). Well, it’s not.

    The tone wicker, little BM and Classic BM are all wired for true bypass….the diecast pedals always have been and the steel cased BM has been for a number of years.

    If yours isn’t then it cannot be ‘the latest version’ ……. sorry but you can’t say ‘well it’s not’ because it is!

    can you post a picture of the inside of the pedal, if you have got an old RI which isn’t TB then it’s easy to change it.


    I was watching a few midtown videos on youtube and came across this music video and i think i see an old big muff pi at 3-4 seconds. not sure if it is though. can anyone tell if it is?


    well, i finally sold my old guitar (cort, don’t even ask… well, since I put in those DiMarzios, the distorted sound was gold… but the clean? yuck) so I’ll have some money to spend soon

    I play yamaha tele with dimarzio twang kings to laney VC30 and I’m looking for some thick fuzz sound. for distortion I use an older version od Visual Sound Jekyll/Hyde but I want something that gives me very thick muffy sound like the first album by Amplifier has (anyone heard bout them?)

    well and I’m pretty much torn between the graphic fuzz (for it’s options – EQ) and big muff (mainly because of the price :-) this way I could afford some tremolo pedal too )

    the question is… well i guess the muff is pretty straight-forward pedal. is the EQ on graphic fuzz worth the money? can i get the muff sounds with it? and when i get the muff – would i miss the EQ?

    thanks guys :-)


    yeah, so I just recieved an email response by mr Sel Belamir, the guitarist and singer of the band Amplifier… as i guessed, the sound on their first album is a Big Muff (some vintage model, he didn’t specified)

    so it’s probably solved


    Mine tends to make a crackly and scratchy noise when the sustain is turned up to full, but it’s dead silent with the sustain at less than halfway.

    It could also be due to an earthing problem with some of the mains sockets in my house which just happen to be the ones my VC30 amp and pedals are powered from. these have been needing to be rewired for a long time.



    dossier surendettement


    I have been agonizing for weeks about which fuzz pedal to get. One thing I discovered is that most of them are MAD expensive. I couldn’t find one cheaper than $150 (Fuzz Face RI, MXR, a few others). The rest of them were closer to $200 and more (mostly boutique). I liked the idea of a BM but was concerned about the fact that some people refer to it as a overdrive/distortion pedal. The Volume, Tone and Sustain knobs would imply that as well. I already have three ODs – OCD, Full Drive II & a Tube Screamer plus a compressor (Analog Man Bicomp). I didn’t want a duplicate of what I already had. Of course I was watching YouTube vids but this didn’t satisfy me. Finally I bit the bullet and bought a new BM. I got an incredible deal – 56 bucks! Well, suffice it to say, when I got the package yesterday, I brought it home and played all night! All my worry was for naught. This thing is about fuzzy as I could want. Who cares what the knobs say? For the record, mine is not noisy at all. And when I run the OCD in front of it, the roar is completely over the top!

    Sorry to blather on. By the way, here is a great demo comparing the “Ram’s Head” BM to a current version. The vintage pedal blows the current one away. But, not having a vintage Muff to compare mine to, I’m very happy with my new pedal. This clip is by gearmanndude who makes the best pedal demos on YouTube (along with Proguitarshop.com).

    Seen the vid..The Ram’s Head sounds fantastic.I have to wonder why Electro-Harmonix makes their reissue based on the V3 red/black muff, when the Ram’s Head is so highly prized.

    Well that’s why it is highly prised! if they had based the first re-issue on the ‘head’ version, then everyone would have been saying “I wonder why they didn’t base it on the triangle version as it’s so highly prised! or the IC version, green russion or whatever …. Muff’s are always changing and evolving, just look at the Tone wicker for example….personally I think the NYC re-issue is one of the best sounding Muff’s they’ve ever made, but everyone has their favorite.

    Seen the vid..The Ram’s Head sounds fantastic.I have to wonder why Electro-Harmonix makes their reissue based on the V3 red/black muff, when the Ram’s Head is so highly prized.

    Well that’s why it is highly prised! if they had based the first re-issue on the ‘head’ version, then everyone would have been saying “I wonder why they didn’t base it on the triangle version as it’s so highly prised! or the IC version, green russion or whatever …. Muff’s are always changing and evolving, just look at the Tone wicker for example….personally I think the NYC re-issue is one of the best sounding Muff’s they’ve ever made, but everyone has their favorite.

    maybe they should just reissue all of the versions, then i think everyone will be happy.

    maybe they should just reissue all of the versions, then i think everyone will be happy.

    no they won’t, everyone will be going “humphh…. it doesn’t sound as good as the original” :D

    maybe they should just reissue all of the versions, then i think everyone will be happy.

    no they won’t, everyone will be going “humphh…. it doesn’t sound as good as the original” :D

    then they should just deal with it and be happy that EHX even reissued them 😆


    I recently got a USA Muff RI and it sounds pretty good. But now I’m thinking of trading it in for the version with Tone Wicker. Maybe this is a stupid question but with the Tone switched off (and the extra gain this produces), will the pedal sound more like an earlier vintage BMP?


    I would go straight for the Metal Muff, in fact I have twice. I do have a few vintage Big Muffs, which I use as well, but in the event of a choice the Metal Muff is the one to go for I think. It is simply fantastic due to the amazing number of different sounds, moods and tones it has to offer. From screaming banshee to grinding death metal, sweet fuzz to acid distortion…the list could go on. The knobs give you full control of the sound you want…and on top of all this lovely mayhem the Metal Muff offers the Top Boost with adjustable volume and dedicated foot switch. So all in all it offers Volume, Top Boost, Treble, Mid, Bass and Dist control knobs, a bypass foot switch and the Boost foot switch. It is not too expensive either..Go for the Metal Muff.


    har dee har har

    I have been agonizing for weeks about which fuzz pedal to get

    Get a Tone Wicker. It’s what $80? And sounds great, especially for the money. I got mine for $60, and I use it a lot even though I have a lot of other fuzzes too. It’s a fun pedal.

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