Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Big Muff with Rockerverb MKII HEAD

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  • #84733

    Hi guys, just recordered my last album.

    I have used BIG MUFF tone wicker for the whole album (never turned off).

    Want to share with you my setting and show the result.

    I used:
    – Orange Rockerverb MKII HEAD
    – ENGL cab, 2×12 Celestion V30
    – SM 57 mic
    – Pedalboard: Ernie Ball volume, Buddah WHA, Whammy V, Big Muff Tone Wicker, Empress ParaEq, Memory Boy Deluxe
    – Guitar Gibson Les Paul Standard Plus (2001)

    Here one clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntHvLQn2-hM

    I must say that BIG MUFF + ParaEq is something massive, you can really control the mids and get out of the mix also with a fuzzy distortion.

    Let me know what you think, I am open to suggestion, expecially to improve the fuzz side of the music.


    Yeah, great guitarsound. Very fuzzy but transparent.
    Your conclusion seems legit to me.

    I personaly get distorted sounds out of the Big Muff with a treble booster in front.
    But that fits more stoner metal.

    I don’t think the Big Muff is a stand alone unit when played with guitar.

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