Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Big Muff – Where in the signal chain?

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    Hi Guys (and Gals).

    Any comments about where in your pedal board your big muff sounds best?

    I tried it in several positions and found out that for me it’s best when it’s the last distortion in the chain, right before the modulation, delays, etc.

    My current signal chain goes like this:

    Guitar (Strat with Active PUPs) -> Line Buffer -> Vox Wah -> Whammy -> MXR Micro Amp -> MXR Overdrive -> Vox Satchurator -> Ibanez TubeKing (TK999) -> EHX BIG MUFF PI -> MXR Phase 90-> EHX #1 Echo -> VOX AC4TV-H + 1×12″Cab

    In my opinion, the only way it sounds good when combined with other DIST/OD/BOOST pedals is when itcomes after them.

    Using the Muff to boost the other DIST/OD pedals sounds really bad with my setup!

    But when the Muff is Boosted by other DIST/OD/BOOST sounds absolutely awesome. Easy to get those Gilmour tones and even some more modern tones to play instrumental rock.

    Your comments?


    Well on my bass pedalboard, I have a Dass Big Muff and I place it before my overdrive, it gives me an even extra brutal sound when i need it:-)


    So… I heard and read about other people placing Muffs in front of other DIST/OD pedals.

    But in my case it sounded horrible.

    A brutal loss of clarity.

    Opposed to using the BMP after DIST/OD pedals which as mentioned before gives me awesome results.


    I use the LPB-1 in front of the Bass Big Muff (bass boost settings) sounds awesome!

    I use the Graphic Fuzz as overdrive on a seperate line and the Big Muff Pi Tone Wicker sound way better after it then in front…in front, it’s just over-saturated…


    I use my russian muff with a little bit of gain on the amp. It’s weird, cuz when the muff is off I can’t notice a difference between no gain and that little bit of gain, but with the muff it’s very noticeable


    The Muff can go pretty much anywhere in the signal chain, but typically put them after compressors and before delays and modulation. Overdrives can go before or after, but if you like to boost the Muff with an overdive, just experiment with the drive pedal before or after and use your ears.

    Putting most drivers before the Muff seems to be a bit smoother, and after the Muff usually has more crunch and attack. Also which one is “driving” which has an effect on the tone – the booster drive or the Muff sustain? The Muff sustain can be set high and the drive pedal low, or vise versa. Each has a slightly different affect on the tone.


    My signal chain goes 1.Guitar – 2.Korg Pitch black Tuner – 3.Ibanez TS9 – 4. Green Russian Muff – 5.MXR Boost – 6.Mesa V-Twin Pre-amp – 7.Tube Head.

    I rarely use a clean tone with the band. We play our version of bluesy stoner metal. I like to use the muff as my main distortion and use the TS9 to add a little high end and grit when a song is starting to get amped up. Then I’ll use the boost to send it over the top. The Mesa V-Twin is an amazing pedal that really brings an amp to life. I use that on the clean tone and let the muff run my main distortion tone.

    I have tried a couple of pedals in front of the muff and I keep heading back to the tubescreamer. It adds a nice subtle drive and a little highs to cut through the mix.

    I have a tube king as well it was my main distortion pedal until I plugged the muff into a JCM800. The Tubeking through a JCM sounds too compressed for my tastes. I try to go for a big fuzzy tone, I like to still hear the notes not just noisy grind.


    efilho, you are not alone. I’ve got my big muff after a tube screamer and a germanium OD. I found it sounded better that way.


    Yeah as you said i too tried at several places but it sounds best at last distortion in the chain but when i tried on my brothers it doesnt sound well at distortion i think it all depends upon the it size when it is large size it sounds well at last distortion and when it is small it will sound well at other place. It will be definitely depends upon size.

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