Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Big Muff Triangle volume drop

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  • #192590

    I bought a Big Muff Triangle from Sam Ash, NYC. I fed a Tube Screamer into the Big Muff and then into the Amp.
    The volume drops suddenly and the pedal goes quiet. Sometimes the volume swells up. When the pedal is quiet, the guitar
    is heard in the by pass mode. Have I blown anything by sending the TS 9 signal into it. Could somebody please let me know?


    No You did not blow it up that way.
    Is the battery good?
    Are you using a power supply?
    The switch may be dirty. A dirty switch will do what you are hearing. I clean mine with Deoxit contact cleaner.
    You can write the techs for help at info@ehx.com

    If it is brand new please exchange it.


    Hi EHX STAFF, Thanks a lot for the prompt response.
    The pedal is brand new, bought in July/June.
    But I cannot exchange it now because I am back home in India.

    However, there is hope. I used the pedal along with TS 9
    and later with other boxes on a pedal board.
    The issue persisted with battery and branded power supplies.
    I removed the pedal from the chain. Then the issue cropped
    up with a booster and an equalizer pedals. I remembered that when the voltage
    dropped, my amp used to behave in a similar manner. I checked the voltage
    and found it lower than the required levels (160 instead of the required 220-240).

    I will test the pedal again when the voltage improves and get an UPS to give me steady voltage.
    I will also clean the switch with a de-oxidizing fluid. Will WD 40 do the job, I wonder.

    Sorry for the long yarn, but I thought you might find it a bit useful.

    I will keep you posted on further developments.

    Thanks again

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by vkraghu.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by vkraghu.

    WD40 will kill the pedal. That is oil. Deoxit is a special contact cleaner for switches. Use nothing else please


    Oh OK…no WD 40. Thanks

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