Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Big Muff Reissues

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    Hey Guys,
    Just wanted to make a few demands, see what you think.

    First of all I would like some Big Muff reissues. Seeing as the Triangle knob big muffs are going for like $1000 I think everyone would like a reissue of one. And the Ram’s Head version as well. It would save everyone a lot of money, and they would be new!


    I’d love to see EHX make a faithful recreation of some of the older muff’s. Baffles me why they don’t do it anyways….


    I am glad someone agrees with me! The new Big Muffs just do not compete with the older ones!


    limited edition runs of each type could be really sweet

    limited edition runs of each type could be really sweet

    thats a great idea, i would love to see that happen. also rams head muff reissues.

    I am glad someone agrees with me! The new Big Muffs just do not compete with the older ones!

    based on what? 😆

    ……..all this misty eyed nostalgia it all well and good, but lets face it the reason those old muff’s fetch what they do has nothing to do with how they sound. Do you really think EHX have forgotten how to make a big muff?

    I am glad someone agrees with me! The new Big Muffs just do not compete with the older ones!

    based on what? 😆

    ……..all this misty eyed nostalgia it all well and good, but lets face it the reason those old muff’s fetch what they do has nothing to do with how they sound. Do you really think EHX have forgotten how to make a big muff?

    You think people pay big bucks for a ramshead because of the looks?? I’m sure it does have something to do with it which is why you don’t see the V3s, I think it is, go for as much. I think it’s pretty absurd to think the newer muff’s sound as good as the older ones though…except for the tone wicker which has a pretty good sound. Not that I’m bashing the newer muffs, they have their own sound and place but I think the use of cheaper components and such has had a pretty big impact on todays muffs.

    On another note, for you rat fans I hear they’re making a faithful recreation of one of their older whiteface rats. Pretty excited about that one and wish more makers would do this.

    You think people pay big bucks for a ramshead because of the looks?? I’m sure it does have something to do with it which is why you don’t see the V3s, I think it is, go for as much. I think it’s pretty absurd to think the newer muff’s sound as good as the older ones though…except for the tone wicker which has a pretty good sound. Not that I’m bashing the newer muffs, they have their own sound and place but I think the use of cheaper components and such has had a pretty big impact on todays muffs.

    On another note, for you rat fans I hear they’re making a faithful recreation of one of their older whiteface rats. Pretty excited about that one and wish more makers would do this.

    Firstly yes I do… there are plenty of boutique companies that will build you a Ram’s head clone … or you can buy kits from GGG and build any version you like. I’ve seen comparison videos where it’s impossible to tell the difference. So yeah, of course it’s for the looks/vibe/vintage mojo/collectability/investent. …. which is fine, I understand that, I’d buy one for the same reasons.

    I personally think most triangle muffs and russian muffs sound pretty awful and have no problem stating that a BM with T/W is a ‘better’ sounding pedal to my ears. Each version has it’s own character, but you can’t really say that one is better than the other. …. it’s too subjective and not ‘absurd’ at all to me, I wonder if we’ll think it’s absurd in 10-15 years when the latest NYC Big Muff becomes a sought after pedal? Heck, 5 years ago people couldn’t give green sovteks away, you could pick them up for $50, they still sound the same now as they did then, so you tell me what’s going on there?


    i think what they should be looking at is more options for shaping the sound like the swollen pickle or the musket fuzz has


    Maybe absurb wasn’t the right word, but I do think alot of the newer muffs are lacking something. They sound thin, flabby, and sometimes buzzy to me. I actually have a Byoc triangle and I do think it’s ridiculous to pay 400-500 for a vintage triangle but I’d still like to have one. Something like that’s almost like an investment really. End the end, I’d still like to see EHX release some clones of some of their older versions…they don’t have anything to lose.


    I am not writing off the new muffs, but they sound more muddy than the old one. I don’t think EHX has anything to lose by making reissues of the old ones and I think they would be really popular! As you can see already, quite a lot of people are agreeing.


    well, maybe someone from EHX will take your ideas on board, but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.

    …………personally I just can’t see a diecast ram’s head having the same appeal as an original. :D

    I am glad someone agrees with me! The new Big Muffs just do not compete with the older ones!

    based on what? 😆

    ……..all this misty eyed nostalgia it all well and good, but lets face it the reason those old muff’s fetch what they do has nothing to do with how they sound. Do you really think EHX have forgotten how to make a big muff?

    As someone who owns many vintage Big Muffs, I can tell you it has nothing to do with the looks. It’s all about the sound. My favorite looking Muff is actually the current V3 look. I like all of the Big Muffs, but the sound of a V1 or V2 is like night and day to a V9 reissue.

    Reissues would be interesting, but it is not possible to make a production pedal that will have the same sound as a vintage one without the old components and transistors, and they are no longer available. EHX would have to pick a particular Triangle and RH example to copy as well, since the tones vary so much from unit to unit, and they would have to use modern components like the cloners do.

    Basically what you would have would be a BYOC Large Beaver in a vintage style Big Muff box. That won’t have the mojo a vintage Muff tone has, but a BYOC gets 90-95% there anyway, which is good enough for most people, especially people who have never owned a vintage Muff, but want one. I don’t think it would hurt the collectible market at all since those guys will just claim the new ones don’t have the sound since they use new components. I think it would be a good idea for EH, and I know it would be successful. They would have to release them in the old style boxes with the exact graphics to do it right. Some minor change on each to make them externally different from the originals would be good, like an LED, and an internal change like true bypass, so EH could claim they are “better” than the originals.

    I am glad someone agrees with me! The new Big Muffs just do not compete with the older ones!

    based on what? 😆

    ……..all this misty eyed nostalgia it all well and good, but lets face it the reason those old muff’s fetch what they do has nothing to do with how they sound. Do you really think EHX have forgotten how to make a big muff?

    As someone who owns many vintage Big Muffs, I can tell you it has nothing to do with the looks. It’s all about the sound. My favorite looking Muff is actually the current V3 look. I like all of the Big Muffs, but the sound of a V1 or V2 is like night and day to a V9 reissue.

    Reissues would be interesting, but it is not possible to make a production pedal that will have the same sound as a vintage one without the old components and transistors, and they are no longer available. EHX would have to pick a particular Triangle and RH example to copy as well, since the tones vary so much from unit to unit, and they would have to use modern components like the cloners do.

    Basically what you would have would be a BYOC Large Beaver in a vintage style Big Muff box. That won’t have the mojo a vintage Muff tone has, but a BYOC gets 90-95% there anyway, which is good enough for most people, especially people who have never owned a vintage Muff, but want one. I don’t think it would hurt the collectible market at all since those guys will just claim the new ones don’t have the sound since they use new components. I think it would be a good idea for EH, and I know it would be successful. They would have to release them in the old style boxes with the exact graphics to do it right. Some minor change on each to make them externally different from the originals would be good, like an LED, and an internal change like true bypass, so EH could claim they are “better” than the originals.

    Sounds good to me! My V9 lives on my board, while my V3 and V5 don’t(still play them daily!). Part of the reason is that I want the older ones to last me longer so I don’t want them to get abused like the ones on the board and the V9 is so readily available. If they made a reissue Rams Head that sounded like my V3, I would never stop playing it. Plus the Rams Head Muffs looks soo damn cool!

    As someone who owns many vintage Big Muffs, I can tell you it has nothing to do with the looks. It’s all about the sound. My favorite looking Muff is actually the current V3 look. I like all of the Big Muffs, but the sound of a V1 or V2 is like night and day to a V9 reissue.

    Reissues would be interesting, but it is not possible to make a production pedal that will have the same sound as a vintage one without the old components and transistors, and they are no longer available. EHX would have to pick a particular Triangle and RH example to copy as well, since the tones vary so much from unit to unit, and they would have to use modern components like the cloners do.

    Basically what you would have would be a BYOC Large Beaver in a vintage style Big Muff box. That won’t have the mojo a vintage Muff tone has, but a BYOC gets 90-95% there anyway, which is good enough for most people, especially people who have never owned a vintage Muff, but want one. I don’t think it would hurt the collectible market at all since those guys will just claim the new ones don’t have the sound since they use new components. I think it would be a good idea for EH, and I know it would be successful. They would have to release them in the old style boxes with the exact graphics to do it right. Some minor change on each to make them externally different from the originals would be good, like an LED, and an internal change like true bypass, so EH could claim they are “better” than the originals.

    ok, I believe that for you it is all about the sound, but can I suggest to you that you are in a very small minority? …. and the reason they sell for high prices on ebay is due in a big part to vintage guitar equipment collectors and investors that are not buying them for the sound.

    ……If EHX did re-issue them, why would they need to have ‘the exact graphics and original case’ like you suggest for them to be a success if it’s only the sound that people are buying them for? … You know why!!!!! looks, looks, looks. :)

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