Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Big Muff Pi switching problem

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    I bought my Muff around this time last year, and aside from making it mesh with my modelling amp I have had no issues. In the past week however I have had a big problem. More often than not when I switch it on there will be very little output, as if the volume knob was rolled all the way back. Then after cycling it on and off several times it’ll work as intended again and will remain working until switched off. It seems almost random.

    I’m assuming it’s the actuator itself, but I have limited knowledge. Has anyone had this problem solved?

    It’s a modern US reissue, if that makes any difference!

    Thank you !


    It sounds like your switch is dirty and needs to be cleaned or replaced.
    Dust or oxidation can form on the switch contacts and make it not always work.
    I use contact cleaner spray on the back,sides and in the cracks of the switch
    The cleaner will get in to the switch and after clicking a few times it will go away
    I use a spray called Deox-It.
    If that fails it is a bad switch and it is very easily replaced.

    Drink Freud

    Exact same thing is happening to my Big Muff Pi w/ Tone Wicker. Cleaner did not work. It sounds like EHX received a bad batch of switches. Mine’s out of warranty and I can fix it myself. Any chance you can send me a part number for the switch?

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