Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Big Muff Pi problem – Show comin up and I have to have it – HELP

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  • #81590

    I have this pedal for about 6 months and love it. It is acting up very strangely though lately. When I activate the pedal the signal cuts out as I am pushing the pedal down for a noticeable second or two, no matter how fast I click it. The same thing happens when I turn it off. The light comes on and it sounds good. At first I thought it was a faulty switch but as I have played with it (still broken), it will loose volume after its been on for 10-15 minutes with me playing through it to where it can barely be heard. I just turn it off and back on then it correct itself but 10 minutes later it does it again.

    Are these problems separate or is there something really messed up with it?

    Ned Flanders

    Sounds like the switch to me. You can just replace it, do it one wire at a time so you know where they go.

    You can buy a switch here:http://diystompboxes.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1&zenid=46fb2c2143dda0af7ccdd7aba61d03bc

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