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  • #79301

    Hi All,
    When I put my Big Muff Pi’s Sustain near 12 o’clock I start to get howling feedback when not playing any notes. Has anyone else ran in to this issue? I recently changed the battery thinking that was the issue but no go. I’ve only had the Muff for about 3 months so its not that old and it hasn’t left my home studio. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help.



    i don’t really get feedback with mine, except when i’m using my hollowbody.

    maybe your too close to your amp?


    When at home I’m about 5 feet away from it. I never had the problem until recently so I’m wondering if it could be something like a dirty pot? I’ll try some things out.



    It’s not a problem since being a high gain pedal it should feedback like so. If you don’t like that noise you have 2 choices.

    1) Back off on the pedal’s volume knob (and probably amp)
    2) When you aren’t playing just roll off your vol knob on the guitar.

    Personally I love that feedback between chords, or just before playing, kind of what Cobain did mostly live.

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