Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Big Muff Op-amp, replacement chip?

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    Hi, I would like to know what are the best replacement chip for a Big Muff Op-amp?
    Originals was 4558NB and 741!

    I think for 741, the LM741 is the same but don’t know for the 4558NB!


    The EH Man

    Any 4558 will work.


    Okay, thanks, but no ones of them, can be very very similar to the NB?!

    Ned Flanders

    Small bear sells both and has both in stock all the time.

    Any brand will work fine.

    Contrary to what is said on that kitrae big muff site the opamp muff NEVER used 2 LM741’s. He has one with two in it and the only reason there would be two 741’s in it is either the original builder messed up or someones modified it afterwards because the original 77 schematic I have says one 741 and one 4558 and its just simply a known fact that it only takes one 741.


    I just finished changing out the chips in my deluxe big muff pi. Mine is the 78 version with RC4558NB chips. I had some 741 chips laying around that I was going to use just because I had them. I checked the data sheets for the 741 I had, there several brands on the market. It is good I checked them because the pin outs on my 741 chips were slightly different from the 4558’s and they would not have worked in my big muff……I ended up buying some JRC4558D’s from ebay, 4 for less than $3, these are the chips everyone raves about for the TS808 Mod. I changed out 4 chips, I changed the compressor chips also. To make a long story shorter, they work and sound great. I think they sound better than the stock units. So check the data sheets before changing any chip. The reason I changed them in the first place is because the original ones had failed.

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