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    EHX have been producing a whole new world of amazing pedals (Stereo Memory Man with Hazarei et al) as well as releasing updated versions of the classic Small Stone, Big Muff et cetera. One enormous void in the range of the extraordinary EHX sound spectrum / kaleidoscope is my/our belovèd and revered Crying Tone and Big Muff Crying Tone. (Charlie Haden very beautifully used one with string bass!) At the last gig when I used the Big Muff Crying Tone the sound was fantastic, but I have to treat my ’70s CT with a lot of care. I have managed to buy up three working models (one with Big Muff incorporated) and one mega cranky BMCTP which is better left alone for the moment.
    I did exchange emails with the crew at EHX, asking about the release of a new version of this classic pedal but it did not seem to be on their to do list!!!! Has anyone heard of one in the pipeline?


    I don’t know
    I’m sure we’ll see a straight up wah sometime


    It would be cool to have a reissued Crying Tone / Talking Pedal / Bad Stone all in one treadle :love: Might as well throw in the Octave Multiplexer as well.


    odd, this thread disappeared somehow


    Thanks for finding the thread! :rawk:

    EHX have been producing a whole new world of amazing pedals (Stereo Memory Man with Hazarei et al) as well as releasing updated versions of the classic Small Stone, Big Muff et cetera. One enormous void in the range of the extraordinary EHX sound spectrum / kaleidoscope is my/our belovèd and revered Crying Tone and Big Muff Crying Tone. (Charlie Haden very beautifully used one with string bass!) At the last gig when I used the Big Muff Crying Tone the sound was fantastic, but I have to treat my ’70s CT with a lot of care. I have managed to buy up three working models (one with Big Muff incorporated) and one mega cranky BMCTP which is better left alone for the moment.
    I did exchange emails with the crew at EHX, asking about the release of a new version of this classic pedal but it did not seem to be on their to do list!!!! Has anyone heard of one in the pipeline?

    Here is a pic of the BMCTP with integrated Muff Fuzz.
    It is a Big Muff Crying Tone with the 4 sweep filters selection, reverse wah/volume option, volume pedal function, integrated muff fuzz option, either combined with volume pedal function or combined with wah function (including of course the 4 sweep filters selection).
    Again,I am hoping that EHX will be kind enough (to us) and inspired enough to bring out once more what was the most definitive wah pedal ever!! Capable of wahing intruments from double-bass to the piccolo! And yes, I have heard and seen it done. Here is the pic of a beaten-up BMCTP from the ’70s.


    Would any of you out there be kind enough to post large images of the Big Muff Crying Tone Pedal GUTS? I have this pedal but the wiring is all messed up. Please help!!! Thank you!!!

    this is the one i have, please see attached image.

    Would any of you out there be kind enough to post large images of the Big Muff Crying Tone Pedal GUTS? I have this pedal but the wiring is all messed up. Please help!!! Thank you!!!

    Which version do you have? There are at least 3 different versions. Do you have a pic?


    pic added.


    Not only could you smoke Dunlop’s Carbon copy with your memory boy! But you could also send there staple product “Cry Baby” to the hills!

    Would any of you out there be kind enough to post large images of the Big Muff Crying Tone Pedal GUTS? I have this pedal but the wiring is all messed up. Please help!!! Thank you!!!

    this is the one i have, please see attached image.

    I recommend this link to the RonSound website. Ron helped me out with the schematics for my ’70s Freedom Amp and you will find a load of schematics for vintage EHX pedals available. If you are not sure which Crying Tone model you have exactly you should find the model type inscribed on the circuit board. Ron responds well to email queries and is a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.


    …and the Crying Tone is a great pedal, well worth investing some time to get it back in shape!


    Here’s a clip I recorded last week of the Muff Fuzz Crying Tone Wah: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7468131

    … and here are the gutshots:

    Pic 1

    Pic 2

    Pic 3

    Pic 4

    Pic 5



    After playing one, my crybaby is a paperweight.


    thank you so much for the sound clips and the guts shots! they were so helpful! i have been working on rewiring my pedal from your pics and i would like to ask you a few more questions, if you don’t mind. i will upload some images with questions. i would appreciate it very much if you could help me out. you are the man! THANK YOU!!!

    question1: http://i731.photobucket.com/albums/ww319/bucketheadland/mufffuzzcryingtoneguts1question.jpg
    question2: http://i731.photobucket.com/albums/ww319/bucketheadland/mufffuzzcryingtoneguts4questions.jpg
    question3: http://i731.photobucket.com/albums/ww319/bucketheadland/mufffuzzcryingtoneguts5question.jpg

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