Home Forums Help/Technical Questions big boxes Deluxe MemoryMan, Qtron+ micro synth current draw ?

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  • #79645

    happy new year and best wishes for 2010 !

    i have some big boxes Deluxe memoryman, Qtron+ and Micro synth (bought about 2003) and i would like to know what current they draw.
    i plan to buy a CIOKS Schyzophrenic regulated/ isolated power supply (that seems to be the same type as the voodoo pedal power 2 plus but with a bit less current available on the outputs and cheaper although i don’t know type of transformer it uses ) but i would like to know if each output provides enough current for the pedals i have.
    i found specifications for most of my pedals and i still have the manuals for all 3 but i couldn’t find the specifications for the electro harmonix ones .

    i’m also looking for some other EH pedals current draw (mostly vintage ones) like the triangle knobs big muff, green or some other well known ones.

    i saw a sticker on my original green / black electric mistress , with 20mA written on.


    isn’t there anybody from EH that could answer that ?

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