Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Battle of the 3 letter acronym modulation effects

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    Hey. I’m debating about a couple of modulation pedals, and really can’t decide. I can’t decide between EHX or MXR. All those “everybody wins” demos online are no good i need an honest word. For a phaser, I’m looking at either a phase 100 or a small stone. For a flanger, deluxe electric mistress of a flanger (most boring name ever). For chorus, neo clone or analog chorus (another boring name.) for trem, stereo pulsar or stereo tremolo (good god, come up with better names!) tell me what you think.


    Go with EHX. I mean, the Pulsar and Neo Clone are far better than the competition and then the DEM and mxr flanger are pretty close, circuit-wise. The only one that you might have a better chance with MXR on is the phaser – and even then, it’s probably going to be cheaper to go with the offbrand version. I mean, they’re both just four stage phasers but deciding whether you want an ‘intensity’ switch or a ‘feedbacks’ switch is really the difference.


    Thanks. I had a feeling EHX would prevail. I think the phase 100 is a ten stage phaser, though.


    Unless pedal board space is a factor, I’d get the regular clone theory. You get stereo outs, and vibrato mode. Mine’s been a mainstay on my board for ages, its held up great.

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