Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Battalion DI Functionality

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    Hi, I’m new to the forum!

    I’m considering the purchase of a Battalion bass pre/di. It all looks good, but there’s one question I can’t seem to answer for certain. I searched for an answer on the website, in the forum, in the product documentation, still not 100% sure.

    Here’s the question. Does the effected signal (with distortion, compression, etc.) get routed to the DI (XLR) output, or is it only the dry signal from the bass guitar input? The manual says that the XLR Bypass button controls what goes to the DI output, but in the manual wording it doesn’t specifically mention the effected signal. Meanwhile, I read an online review that specifically said you can’t route the effected signal through the DI output.

    I’m sure the writers of the manual thought it was obvious, and I bet someone can answer this in like 5 seconds. So thank you!


    EHX Info

    You can route either the effected or dry signal to the XLR output. On the side of the Battalion next to the XLR jack there is a bypass button, if it’s pressed in then the same signal that’s routed out the main output jack goes to the XLR jack (so the effect signal if the pedal is active, dry if it’s in bypass). If that side bypass button is not pressed in then the XLR will always have the dry signal.


    Literally a perfect answer! Thank you!

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