Home Forums Help/Technical Questions bassballs mod

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    I’ve ran across a lot of discussions on modding various Bassballs pedals. I’ve got a Russian re-issue unit that Is HUGE and has plenty of room for the mod that adds external access to the trim pots by mounting pots on the outside. However, I’ve seen scarce detailed info (except for one article written entirely in French) on how to mod it yourself. In particular, what pots to use, and whther or not to “link” the pots together or just wire them just as the smaller trimpots are mounted on the circuit board.

    Any help would be awesome. Pics would be even better.

    I purchased 2 linear pots that have 10kb printed on the shell. Does anyone know if these will work?



    So after a few hours of tinkering around I’ve finally got it working somewhat properly. It’s pretty cool to have extenral controls for those internal pots.

    The only question I have now is this. Does anyone else hear the higher pitch “whine” or “swirling sound” when your bassballs pedal is engaged? Even when you aren’t playing anything and the pedal is just on.

    It’s not overbearing but it just seems to be more noticeable to me now after this mod. Thoughts? Is this normal?


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