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  • #82917

    Hello, first time poster, long time user!
    I love ehx pedals and you’re pretty much the reason I love having my little friends at my feet. That said, your bass pedal line is starting to concern me. Here are my suggestions, take them if you will or ignore them, it’s all good.

    1. Discontinue the Blogger and the Bass Metaphors pedals. I personally didn’t like either and see lots of negative opinions on both models. I think it’s about time to put them to rest to work on other prosects, right?

    2. Create an awesome, killer, bass overdrive. I’m talking something in the lines of a Darkglass b3k or OCD. Big, tubey, loud, and lots of gain but specifically tuned for bass. Lots of midrange too.

    3. How about a bit crusher? You guys have some of the coolest synths out there, I’d love to see an ehx bitcrusher whether as a bass product or a crossover item. The only bit crushers I know of in pedal form I can count on my hand.

    4. Weird idea that just came to mind… how about a sampler pedal that is triggered by certain notes/riffs? Let’s say you have a sound sample you want to use in a song when you start the chorus. You program the sampler so that once you start playing the chorus riff or the build up, it plays the sample for you. I think that’d be pretty cool.

    That’s all for now.


    I second the bitcrusher idea.


    5. Modulation FX pedal (chorus, phaser, flanger) with a crossover and 2 dry/wet knobs for the low and the hi. Maybe presets (like the cathedral reverb)

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