Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Bass Micro Synth Question

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    HI , I have the Bass Micro Synth pedal and I would like to ask if anyone could help me with it . The issue I am having is that depending on the way it is adjusted , I will have a note clip or drop off prematurely when I would like for it to ring out . I have a EH White Finger in front of it in the hopes that it would sustain the note but I must not have it set up right either . There are so many setting senerios , I have played around with different settings but have not yet found the right combination . Any help would br greatly appreciated ! Thanks inadvance . Vince .

    HI , I have the Bass Micro Synth pedal and I would like to ask if anyone could help me with it . The issue I am having is that depending on the way it is adjusted , I will have a note clip or drop off prematurely when I would like for it to ring out . I have a EH White Finger in front of it in the hopes that it would sustain the note but I must not have it set up right either . There are so many setting senerios , I have played around with different settings but have not yet found the right combination . Any help would br greatly appreciated ! Thanks inadvance . Vince .

    I put a compressor in front of my guitar XO version and it helps with sustain a lot. I also have reverb and delay pedals after the Microsynth that I will turn on to give it an even more sustain. I can get some huge sounds this way, especially when teamed up with a distortion or fuzz.


    I have an older big box Microsynth and it has a trim-pot on the bottom of the pedal that adjusts input gain, not sure if the XO versions do or not though….

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