Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Bass Metaphors (few questions)

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  • #78910

    Hello to all of you!
    I am not an experienced EHX pedal user, owned an early Small Stone for few years (it was stolen after a gig…a great loss indeed).
    Forced by circumstances I switched from guitar to bass, and now I am looking for good preamp/effect box for direct recording or for gigs as an effect unit.
    Although, there are not so many user reviews or samples/videos about Bass Metaphors, I already choose to take it (my order is placed and will have this pedal soon).
    Anyway I have some technical questions about Bass Metaphors.

    The Strip
    How the single channels ordered?
    I mean: in parallel or in serial.
    The clean signal goes to EQ channel, then through Dist, or the distortion is applied to the clean signal, regardless of EQ channel settings (and then both are mixed to the output)?

    In the manual I read that Dist pot controls the amount of distortion that is introduced into the channel strip.
    So this means that the gain of the distortion is fixed, right?
    Or the pot affects both gain and level of the distortion?
    If the gain is fixed – what exactly dist it is: low gain drive, high gain fuzz, or something in between?

    Manual states that Compressor is added after all channels and before the Bass Metaphors output.
    If I took care of the “channel strip” metaphor and look at the box painting – there are two lines, which “connect” compressor switch with Dry and Volume pots.
    So what exactly Compressor affects: the dry signal or all three channels (which are mixed before compressor input)?

    Effect Loop
    My intention is to use Bass Metaphors for computer recording as preamp/effect or in live gigs as an effect unit.
    I want to know is it possible to use it in amplifier effect loop?
    They are two possible scenarios here:
    bass > preamp > send > bass metaphors > return > amp
    bass > bass metaphors > return > amp
    How this unit will act in both variants?
    Could the first scenario somehow broke the unit (if the send signal is too high)?
    Also is Bass Metaphors is powerful enough to drive an amp by itself (as it could be in the second scenario)?

    Thanks in advance!
    Best regard to all!


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