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Bad Stone gut shot for your pleasure
That’s cool — a Bad Stone with a treadle. You control the sweep I guess so it acts almost like a filter? You need an external footswitch for LFO auto sweep?
Here’s a gutshot of the regular 2-knob + switch v1
Runs at 18V, so two 9V batteries.
Man… I’m sorry I read this thread. I just gave away my Bad Stone last week.
you gave it away! did you sell it?
sold it for $20. I hadn’t used it in 25 years but I already need it again. Aint that how it goes?
Here’s the pic I took of it.
Forgive me for my bad English.
I have a pedal ehx bad stone deluxe
And I can’t find the information about it on this site.
maybe be it a fake?
OOHHHH :clap: .
just when i think i know of them all! i hope thats not a fake, it looks real.
unfortunetly ill probly never see a nother one.
You know how to define authenticity?
Or to find the information about deluxeR
I can load more photos, for example…
I have a pedal ehx bad stone deluxe
And I can’t find the information about it on this site.
maybe be it a fake?
Very interesting. What does the Range knob do? and what is the top left knob marked for?
pedal has two more knob are on the right and at the left of TRS connectors (These knobs are not visible on a photo)
left knob – for volume/right knob marked “auto” – for switchings between the shifter & phaser
“the top left knob” (you asked) for adjustment of shifter effect
Three knobs on the right for phaser effect like on electric mistress deluxe, & range too.
i hope you understand, very bad know english
Can you share photos of the inside?
I do not know how to remove knobs from potentiometers = can’t pull out a bord
Someone has pasted knobs=(
potentiometers are made not in america
The EH1318A is a 1978 Deluxe Electric Mistress.
Someone modified it by adding the extra pot/knob, and re-painting it.
Also, the Bad Stone never used Reticon chips as far as I know.
Sorry, alllendodead. That’s not an authentic Bad Stone, but it is an authentic vintage Deluxe Electric Mistress with modifications!
Does it sound good? I have a 1978 Deluxe Electric Mistress, and it sounds beautiful.