Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback B9 modification: OLED display and more…

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    I’m an old passionate about EHX effects (memory man – small clone – big muff – freeze …). But the B9 is my most loved one!
    I found it fantastic for its simple use, accurate organ sounds, reliability.

    But… there are few things that are missed…

    1 – DISPLAY: reading the position of the rotating switch is close to impossible in live situations, so a nice bright Oled display is very welcomed to be visible and add some more info.

    2 – ROTARY ENCODER: a smoother encoder can be used for changing the preset and more.

    3 – PRESET FUNCTION: introduce a simple way to move between 2 different presets is essential to introduce some fun in your playing!

    4 – MUTE/DRY FUNCTION: if you use a separate amp for the Organ OUT it’s possible to avoid to have the guitar signal there as well (Mute). This function is standard on the B9 but requires to open the unit and move a microswitch: the rotary encoder can do it any time you want without open it.

    5 – LESLIE SPEED-UP FUNCTION: actually this is the original reason why I started to think to modify the B9. There is no Organ Sound without Leslie! But the most fundamental use is to move from low-speed to high-speed and back.

    I have modified my B9 to implement these missed features and I’m pretty happy of the final result.

    Maybe EHX could consider to implement them on the next “9” series?

    I’ve published the project on instructables https://www.instructables.com/id/B9/

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