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    I’m sure the EHX folks don’t need to be told what to make, but I saw a video that used 1/2 exh attack decay+ 1/2 shimmerverb plugin that blew me away and I think ehx could do this in a single pedal like the grand canyon

    First I have to tell the background story to give a shred of credence to my idea heh:

    I started following an ambient music guitarist on youtube who goes by the “tube” name of Chords of Orion.

    These guitar demo guys have access to thousands of $ of pedals. I don’t have access to thousands of $ just for pedals, SO I have to choose very carefully. Thanks to Chords of Orion and all of his gear demos and songs, I got a good idea of what I wanted in some new ambient effect pedals (prior I owned only a very few standard old school analog pedals which I bought new starting in the 80’s : HM-2, crybaby, deja-vibe, Pharaoh fuzz, malekko delay) and I bought a MEL9 and Grand Canyon this past winter.

    WHY a mel9 and grand canyon?? well, the mel9 was a given. I grew up with King Crimson, so this mellotron pedal actually is for all my mellotron desires.

    The grand canyon is the real center of this topic. What you did by expanding on the canyon was phenomenal. I watched so many demo videos of delays and reverbs and the one thing that kept re occuring on the grand canyon demos is that no one reviewer could even begin to cover all the functions of the pedal. It seems like you watched and collected the bulk of the new generation algorithm tricks and put it into one crazy pedal for the awesome price point of $249

    I had to get it. AMAZING pedal. SO, when i saw this video (link below)that Mr Chords of Orion did using your Attack Decay and a shimmer reverb plugin of some other manufacturer, that blew me away, I had an idea for blowing up the Attack Decay like you did the canyon:

    I would call it the ADSR ENVELOPER . It’s a total play on the synth “adsr envelope” thing with a slight twist: Attack Decay Shimmer Reverb and combine the essence of that gorgeous plugin in with the Attack Decay in another $249 godzilla pedal like the grand canyon.

    the thought of having a grand canyon plus a pedal that does what he did in the video BOTH FOR THE PRICE OF A BIG SKY is a beautiful thing


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