Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback attack decay reissue!!

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  • #78927

    this would be a brilliant addition. the auto volume swell is so much a part of my current sound, but its only available on multiFX and the line 6 digital delays- so i’m having to run them in bypass loops and its stupid having them on the board when its the only thing i use from them.

    no one else makes anything similar, except an awful bin-worthy behringer pedal. you can pick up an over priced slow gear, or a guyatone that lacks control, or the attck delay section of the microsynth. none of these have much control or all of the features like the harmonics or decay knob on the attack decay, and its got plenty more uses than people think- its not just a lazy version of tweaking the volume knob.

    it would be new synth territory really… adding an automatic ADSR to a guitar… i already do it, but i have to SAMPLE the guitar to get it. something could be expanded in that territory for those horn like, bow like, and synth pad sounds…

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