Home Forums The Lounge Are the preamp tubes broken?

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  • #79429

    Hey! I had recorded a little synth loop on the SMMH and wanted to play guitar overtop it, but when I switched instruments into my amp (Vox AC50CP2) I couldn’t get any sound out of the guitar. I checked the pedals, cables and guitar electronics. I tried my guitar in another amp and it worked fine, so I’ve determined it’s the amp.

    I run my pedals through the effects loop, and when I turn the loop on it still plays – so it’s not the power amp.

    I plugged my synth back into the guitar amp, and at full volume on the synth (which is quite loud) I get a little bit of sound out of the amp.

    Have the preamp tubes gone? How can I check that?

    I don’t know much about amp electronics and I’d appreciate any help in the situation!

    For reference my signal path is:

    Tele > Vox AC50CP2 > [Effects Loop] Polytune > Bluebird Tremolo > Malekko Ekko 616 > EHX Cathedral > EHX Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai


    You need to take it to an amp specialist (or the shop where you bought it) if you aren’t sure what you are doing, the stored voltages in tube amps can kill you, so I can’t really recommend poking around inside unless you know exactly what you are doing.

    try here.


    …..also moved to ‘lounge’

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