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  • #94468
    Ned Flanders

    I wouldnt pay it either but if i had millions of dollars i’d buy it cause money wouldnt mean shit to me. On my income this auction isntt even an option considering the price he wants.


    Ahhh feck that,
    that’s somebody else’s collection,
    I’m weird, I like buying one or two at a time,
    that way your collection builds up it’s own story,
    like the time I swapped a guy my top hat for a small stone at a festival over the summer.
    Or when I was in France at the start of the year and seen a pawn shop propping a door open with an electric misstress, bargain.
    It’s all about the stories behind the collection for me.


    the only ones that interest me are the clone theory (even though my GAS for that has died – ordered a vintage TC chorus today!), the memory man, the deluxe big muff and maybe the bad stone

    that’s a ripoff

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