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    Somebody interested?

    a collection at once



    The EH Man

    Most of it is pretty run of the mill stuff that’s worth less than $100 each. The rest are in the $100-250 bracket. The only thing that might be worth anything major is the gray Memory Man. One of those sold on ebay a year or so back for about $500. Looks like the slide switch is broken on it.


    nice collection, but I wouldn’t pay anywhere near that.


    i saw that the first time it was listed. i was like “wow!” and then i realized i already had most of the good stuff anyways, and most of them looked pretty beat up. then i did some quick math and didnt come up anywhere near $2500. i mean, short of the soul preacher, that whole middle row is 40 – 50 each any day of the week. still, its sort of rad to see an entire collection on ebay at once, even if its nothing all that crazy.

    still, its sort of rad to see an entire collection on ebay at once, even if its nothing all that crazy.

    yeah, it’s cool to see them like that but I’d rather they were being sold individually so ‘ordinary musician folk’ (poor!!) could have a chance of getting some of the peices they wanted. I suspect some collector with more money than sense will buy them and not even use them….


    The previous owner must ‘ve been very bored of having his collection or maybe died…
    but I agree, one who buys that has ‘more money than sense

    still, its sort of rad to see an entire collection on ebay at once, even if its nothing all that crazy.

    yeah, it’s cool to see them like that but I’d rather they were being sold individually so ‘ordinary musician folk’ (poor!!) could have a chance of getting some of the peices they wanted. I suspect some collector with more money than sense will buy them and not even use them….

    i wouldnt be surprised if he breaks it up, or 2 months down the line takes $1250 for the whole lot from someone who will break it up and sell it indivually. its just hard to sell things as a whole lot, no matter what youre selling. but there are some gems in there. old school mistress is a beaut.

    and theres certainly alot of “utility” pedals in there. the switchblade, silencer, the minimixer, the 5junction thing, the mufffuzz to a certain degree. i think most people who use things like this are using less noisey modern ones.


    Yep, I posted a link to that auction about a month ago: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/23/P30/#7075

    Assuming that any of the choice units could be missing parts or malfunctioning, there’s only about $1000 worth of pedals there at best.


    yea, i wouldnt pay that much either.

    yea, i wouldnt pay that much either.

    oh really? 😆

    If i had the money right now I’d buy that lot.

    Same here

    John J

    Give these folks a break! The price is ridiculous, but buddy has bills to pay. For instance: one of the employees took those pedals to a professional studio to get their ebay picture taken. Well, either that or else they bought a studio backdrop to keep in their guitar shop. Either way, little stuff like that adds up pretty quickly.

    Give these folks a break! The price is ridiculous, but buddy has bills to pay.

    I think I’d be apt to give them a break if they’d give details on which pedals are functioning flawlessly, and which pedals have issues. For anything selling at $2500, the buyer deserves to have some details.

    No one’s going to complain if the Switch Blade needs a new Carling switch. But if the Memory Man or the Electric Mistress are missing SAD1024 BBD chips, for example, that could be a pain in the ass, and it would bring down the price considerably.


    thats not so much a studio backdrop as it is a rug.

    John J
    thats not so much a studio backdrop as it is a rug.

    Well I’ll be damned. You’re right! I’ve gotta say though, I hate it when sellers do this… try and get an exorbitant amount of money because — “You can’t Win if you don’t Play, right kiddo?”

    yea, i wouldnt pay that much either.

    oh really? 😆

    Yea really

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