Home Forums Help/Technical Questions any mod or tricks to reducing Nano Clone noise?

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    The general consensus out there is that these are a bit noisy. I agree, but it isn’t unbearable. Nonetheless, anyone have any suggestions to curb it?

    update…I finally opened up the pedal to look at both sides of the board. Straining to see the tiny components is hurting my brain. Modding looks improbable.


    Could you post your full rig that you use it with?

    Generally the more signal going into it, the better the signal to noise ratio


    I was actually just a/b’ing it with another chorus. The Clone was the only pedal in the chain at the time. The other was an old ibanez soundtank chorus that added almost no noise, which surprised the hell out of me. The Clone in comparison seemed immense.

    In practice, the pedal is in a lengthy chain and the added noise isn’t too big a deal, but if I can make it better, I’m for it.


    The ibanez probably has more treble roll off on the wet signal, cutting down on the noise.

    All analog delay based things are noisy in the higher frequencies, which is why many are voiced dark, and any brightly voiced choruses, flangers, and delays are a bit noisy. It’s just part of the nature of the beast known as the BBD. But no digital chorus will sound as good as it, so you’ve got a trade off.

    But yeah, best you can do is stick it in your FX loop. Or you could turn your amp volume down a bit and put a boost like an LPB-1 in front of it.


    Now, I’m going to sound like I don’t like EHX in this post, but bear with me.

    In my experience (I owned the Nano Clone for about 5 hours before returning it), the Nano Clone is not worth the money. Sure it’s small and has the same features as the Small Clone, but it is not any where near as good as the Small Clone.

    Main gripes with the Nano Clone:
    As stated in this post, horrendous noise problems no matter what. It isn’t as much of a chorus as it is a “suck my tone and add some hiss” pedal.
    Center Positive power: A true pain in the ass when powering (can’t use a daisy chain)
    Volume Drop (Where the hell did my guitar go?)
    Low End Loss (A bass is no longer a bass)

    Honestly, I would just get a Small Clone rather than try and fix the Nano. It really pains me to see EHX release a product with so many of what I would call, complete turn offs. For me, the Nano Clone was just terrible and is the only EHX pedal that I haven’t been able to like at a ll.

    Now, I’m going to sound like I don’t like EHX in this post, but bear with me.

    In my experience (I owned the Nano Clone for about 5 hours before returning it), the Nano Clone is not worth the money. Sure it’s small and has the same features as the Small Clone, but it is not any where near as good as the Small Clone.

    I have to say it’s my least liked diecast EHX pedal and it doesn’t have the same features as the small clone because there is no depth switch….the nano small stone is a great pedal, the nano clone….very dissapointing.

    I was actually just a/b’ing it with another chorus. The Clone was the only pedal in the chain at the time. The other was an old ibanez soundtank chorus that added almost no noise, which surprised the hell out of me.

    So it’s Maxon Japan vs the good ol’ boys at Electro-Farmtronix and you’re surprised as hell. No, do go on, I’m listening. :facepalm:


    I just bought one of these the other day after watching the pro guitar demo on youtube, looked really impressive for the cash so why not? well 1. the video did not show off the amazing amount of noise (white noise!) this pedal produces, 2. that there was a definate drop in volume. After looking on the web for the solution i found this page which offers no real solution, just like all the others. Basically peolple say ‘buy something else thats 10 times the price and sounds like a 1990’s total guitar magazine demo!’ or words to that effect. So I opened it up and took a peak (and invalidated my warranty i should think).

    I noticed two screw pots on the PCB inside, if you turn the top left one it increases the level of the whole effect. i turned it all the way up and that seemed to sort the volume issue for me.

    I tried turn the other one which just made the effect turn off or on, theres a sweet spot in the middle. I thought this may be an input level which would sort the noise level if used with the output screw pot to compensate but it wasnt that.

    The problem with noise is surely a matter of input level (signal to noise ratio) i tried it with a les paul and a strat and the noise does not increase with the volume increase from louder pickups. The noise becomes more livable (well nearly) when played with my les paul which is louder than my strat.

    I think to solve this problem i need to find a way to increase the input level ( By removing or replacing resistors on the input ) and then stepping the output down using the screw pot on the top left of the PCB to compensate, just like you would on a mixing desk.

    As for the bass drop off………..i like it, its like Adrian Belew’s broken pickup on his old strat.

    if i have any joy i’ll post it here!

    and if anyone from EHX actually reads these can i have a job please?!?!

    I just bought one of these the other day after watching the pro guitar demo on youtube, looked really impressive for the cash so why not? well 1. the video did not show off the amazing amount of noise (white noise!) this pedal produces, 2. that there was a definate drop in volume.

    Is this ‘Pro Guitar Shop’ we are talking about here?

    if so… never ever ever base a purchase on one of their ‘demos’ … they are just advertisments for the products they sell and they never point out any faults with anything and usually do their best to disguise any issues the pedal has. I hate the way they make them out to be some kind of ‘review’ when they aren’t anything of the sort.

    back to the clone issue… there’s no need to “buy something else thats 10 times the price” The small clone is one of the best chorus pedals ever made (in my opinion) and isn’t noisy at all and not expensive either …. The other option if you want to stay small is get the new neo-clone, which I’ve been told (by someone I trust) that it’s good and sounds pretty much the same as the classic small clone.


    I didn’t buy it on the recomendation of pro guitar shop, I just watched the video to see what it could do. In the year 2011 I exspected it to be pretty much noise free, shouldn’t have been sold until that was sorted. There really are in fact only two good tones it does as I don’t like effects that are too subtle. All the up and all the way down are ace. Did think about a small clone but I’m tight for space in my pedal board, so nano seemed to be the ideal choice. I don’t like the neo clone it sounds a bit tame to my ears. After a bit a a tinker I should have this perfect.i think its the crudeness that I like, its not to prestine its a bit gritty. Just needs the input level changing no big thang.


    Plus I really don’t like chorus that much, I do like tinkering though :D

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