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  • #78439

    oh cool, it’s a Mike Beigel design!

    I think I know what it is, but we’ll see.


    Mike, can’t wait to hear the QBalls, but for the love of god, please recreate the Mu-Tron Bi-Phase in an EHX XO enclosure!

    That has got to be the tastiest, most musical phasor my ears have ever heard.

    PS- And while you are at it, add a three-way toggle switch for Sine/Triangle/Square waves & and expression jack to sweep continuosly between these wave shapes.

    Mike, can’t wait to hear the QBalls, but for the love of god, please recreate the Mu-Tron Bi-Phase in an EHX XO enclosure!

    That has got to be the tastiest, most musical phasor my ears have ever heard.

    PS- And while you are at it, add a three-way toggle switch for Sine/Triangle/Square waves & and expression jack to sweep continuosly between these wave shapes.

    Did you see that he also designed the Stereo Polyphase?

    bill ruppert

    :rawk: :rawk: :clap: :clap:


    you guys kill me…… I have no idea what’s going on, but I like it…….and I like penguins. :)

    Mike, can’t wait to hear the QBalls, but for the love of god, please recreate the Mu-Tron Bi-Phase in an EHX XO enclosure!

    That has got to be the tastiest, most musical phasor my ears have ever heard.

    PS- And while you are at it, add a three-way toggle switch for Sine/Triangle/Square waves & and expression jack to sweep continuosly between these wave shapes.

    Did you see that he also designed the Stereo Polyphase?

    Yes I knew Mike designed the Stereo Polyphase. I sold my Bi-Phase & Mu-Tron III and bought a Stereo Polyphase (seeing as it kinda covers both territory). The Stereo Polyphase is very unique. Right now it’s on my pedalboard just before my Big Muff in Slow Envelope mode. I would love one after my fuzz too for Phasing but I use a Small Stone & Flanger Hoax there so I’m good.

    Still there is nothing I found as lush as a Bi-Phase. It’s just too dang big for my Pedalboard.

    bill ruppert

    For the people that dig the Flanger Hoax with all its knobs and controls you must check out
    Mike Beigel’s Bi-Filter.
    The Bi-Filter rack unit is intense!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I think I solved the mystery/riddle/enigma!!!

    It’s all about the penguins!!!

    Mike Beigel was studying penguins, and me, little ol’ volunteer administrator Julian is a Pittsburgh Penguins fan!

    Thus, my theory of it being an attack decay filter must be correct!

    Mike, can’t wait to hear the QBalls, but for the love of god, please recreate the Mu-Tron Bi-Phase in an EHX XO enclosure!

    That has got to be the tastiest, most musical phasor my ears have ever heard.

    PS- And while you are at it, add a three-way toggle switch for Sine/Triangle/Square waves & and expression jack to sweep continuosly between these wave shapes.

    Did you see that he also designed the Stereo Polyphase?

    sorry for the diss, but it doesn’t sound anything like a Bi-Phase. The Bi-Phase kills it in every way possible[yes i do own one].

    sorry for the diss, but it doesn’t sound anything like a Bi-Phase. The Bi-Phase kills it in every way possible[yes i do own one].

    Nobody said anything sounded like a Bi-Phase. I was saying I would love to see Mike & EHX try to attempt making an XO version of the Mu-Tron Bi-Phase.

    sorry for the diss, but it doesn’t sound anything like a Bi-Phase. The Bi-Phase kills it in every way possible[yes i do own one].

    Nobody said anything sounded like a Bi-Phase. I was saying I would love to see Mike & EHX try to attempt making an XO version of the Mu-Tron Bi-Phase.

    he said it was built by him, thus implying that it sounds kinda the same [why else would he quote that?]. At least it implied that to me.


    He meant no mis-implication — just observing that Mike Beigel also made the Polyphase.


    Over here in Germany and France the Riddle and Enigma remain true to name…mysterious. Not seen any yet!

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