Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Analogizer – trim pots

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  • #83797

    I found out those 2 little trim pots on the opposite
    of the gain knob and messed with them. They are no
    real tone knobs, they are different, but very usefull.
    It is more for the mids and the colour of the overdrive.
    With a little tweaking, my Analogizer could be renamed
    in Analogsleezer.
    I never used the Analogizer for digital delays or
    moddeling amps. It may bee usefull there.
    For me it is a less expensive overdrive, designed by a genius.

    At least every guitarrist needs a overdrive. Try this one!


    Soul Food – My amp has OD, but this thing sounds like the bomb.
    Memory Boy – Delay and Chorus in one pedal seems like a home run.
    Neo Mistress – Can’t play Waylon or Coe without a flanger.

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