Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Ampeg SVT-3 Pro + E-H Tubes…Anyone?

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  • #82473

    Hey all,
    While I’m waiting on my Stereo Electric Mistress to be repaired, I’ve been tinkering with other aspects of my bass rig. I’m considering swapping the 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes in my Ampeg SVT-3 Pro for some E-H ones…any bassists out there make this change? Thoughts?
    -=Tim/Bassist, The Whisky Rebellion=-

    Endorsed by Spector Basses & Morley Pedals.


    Haven’t done that with that particular amp, have had generally good luck with EHX pre-amp tubes, mostly in pedals.

    Just wanted to say your band sounds awesome, and whatever your bass rig is, it’s gettin’ the job done!

    Just wanted to say your band sounds awesome, and whatever your bass rig is, it’s gettin’ the job done!

    Thank you kindly! Running Spector Legend 4X & Legend 5 Classic basses w/EMG DCs -> Ampeg SVT-3 Pro -> Ampeg SVT 4×10″ -> Ampeg SVT 1×15″! :)

    -=Tim/Bassist, The Whisky Rebellion=-
    Endorsed by Spector Basses & Morley Pedals.

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