Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Am I doing Wrong???

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    :wave: Hi Everyone!!!
    first I have to say Hello and i’m Sorry about my Poor English, I’m Mexican !!!
    im new in the EHX Comunity and i Love MY New EHX pedals :love: !!!
    So i have a Doubt because i dont wand to Damage MY loved Metal Muff.
    im use my metal muff as my main distortion for Rithm guitar with a medium gain seting, but in solos i need more gain an a more compresed sound so i start using an overdrive with Level at max and gain at minimum or at 9 o clock as a booster before the metal muff and i love the sound i get with both pedals on :rawk: , i know many people do this with valve amps but i dont know if i may damage the input stage of the Metal Muff because of the very high signal that come from the overdrive with the level at max compared to the direct signal of guitar when the OD is bypased.
    i’m using DiMarzio X2N pick up in the Bridge
    i dont want to damage My Loved Metal Muff :(
    Thanks In Advance!!!!! :metal:


    No, I don’t think you can (99% sure), its just an electrical signal going thru a circuit (o al menos eso creo). I heard of some people that uses even 2 muffs at the same time (even if its pure noise lol).The only way to break it, would be unproper handling (different voltage or polarity w/ power supply or physical damage)


    Could be wrong, but I can’t imagine why that would cause any problems. Lots of people stack ODs / boosts / fuzzes. Worst you’ll usually do is it’ll just sound like mush, but I think the MM has plenty of headroom…


    Thank You Guys!!!!
    it was a really fast answer!!!

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