Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Advice on Booster/Buffer

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  • #81626

    First time poster, here…

    I plan to set up the following chain from guitar to amp: Tuner>>Wah>>Phaser>>POG2>>Fuzz>>Treble Boost. Everything is true bypass, but I am worried that I’ll loose some of the signal when everything is on bypass since only my pickups will be driving it. I’m thinking of two options to remedy this potential problem (will it be a problem?). First, I am thinking of putting a switching box after the tuner so that I can bypass everything after the tuner. Second, I am thinking of putting something else in the chain that will help retain the signal from guitar to amp. Any suggestions on either option? Would a Fulltone OCD or EHX LPB-1 help with signal loss without coloring the sound too much?



    both will work. otherwise just use an LPB-1 after the tuner and leave it on all the time.


    Hi Paulocaster

    I kind of do both.

    My chain goes Guitar >> Wah >> Polytune >> Germanium OD >> LPB-1 >> Big Muff >> Electric Mistress >> Pulsar >> SMMH >> Amp

    Then, I have a Switchblade ‘between’ the LPB-1 and the Muff (my amp has 2 channels + 2 inputs) so, I can bypass the 2nd half of my chain by hitting the Switchblade. I can also set each channel up on my amp differently and go instantly from clean (with effects) to dirty (with no effects) by hitting the switchblade (helps to prevent ‘tap dancing’ across my board mid-song!).

    Also, I would say the LPB-1 does colour your sound a little (and can provide quite a lot of gain/overdrive if set high and run into a tube amp). I use it mainly as a second overdrive pedal rather than a pure clean boost.

    Hope this helps

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