Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Adapter vs battery question…

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    This may have been discussed previously, but-

    I have been using my xo muff’s and such w/ batteries (nothing vintage, pedal wise) and i was thinking of buying a one spot instead…

    for no other reason than, i sometimes forget to unplug certain pedals and – BAM! – dead battery.

    How much will this effect the sound of the pedals (nano stone, pulsar, muffs), especially the muffs… I love the sound of the Tone Wicker now, will a power adapter impact that sound? And how much?


    Well personnaly I don’t use a One-Spot, but some other adapters, I don’t`hear any difference from a fresh and new battery..


    are there horror stories i should be aware of with one-spots?


    Well there are;-) Hard to explain in english for me.. But friends of me are using them for years without problems..


    as far as i know, only distortion/fuzz pedals and maybe ringmodulators sound different with a new or used battery.

    if you like the tone of lets say the BMwTW with a new battery, there will be imho no audible change in sound if you use an adapter.

    Analogman though has to say something on the topic and recommends the great idea: the virtual battery from gigrig!

    analogman writes on his site:
    A power jack may add AC hum noise, and a power supply can affect the tone, as the best sound is obtained by using an old style non-alkaline battery. I get these two for a dollar at the DOLLAR STORES. I like the Maxell or Panasonics. An Alkaline battery will sound a bit dull in a germanium fuzzface, it can lose some character (you can hear the difference in a sound sample above). It’s not just the voltage that makes batteries and power supplies sound different. It’s the resistance, inductance, and capacitance in the battery, which is part of the circuit in a fuzzface.

    A power jack can also cause oscillation (squealing) on some high gain sunfaces with some power supplies. TheGigRig virtual battery should solve oscillation problems, along with isolating the power supply so you can use any power supply with our positive ground pedals. The VBATT also solves ground loop problems which occur when you use a daisy chain or the same power with more than one pedal. We now offer the Virtual Battery as an accessory and sunface option on our shopping website. Here is more info on the GigRig Virtual Battery



    one spots are nice.


    I recently got an AC adapter for my BMwTW. Previously I had been using batteries for it. The AC adapter is the way to go. It makes it sound like it has a brand new battery all the time. Very full sound.


    I’ve got a one-spot and it causes terrible noise problems with some pedals, (although it works fine with 90% of them) If I was to buy a power supply again I would get something with proper isolated outputs, the problem with that is I don’t think they are very practical unless you use a semi-permanent pedalboard set up. I don’t think it’s the sort of thing you’d want just lying around on the floor or chucked in a heap (which it what I do with my pedals!) … I’ve had my one-spot for over a year now and I wouldn’t recommend it unless you know for sure that all your pedals (and any you are thinking about getting) are going to be 100% ok using it first, otherwise it might feel like a waste of money when you are still having to buy batteries (or use a single psu) for the ones you can’t use with it. Half a solution isn’t really a solution at all imo.


    The batteries with the cat on them fade too. Try them on a compressor pedal.

    Ned Flanders

    I use a 1,700mA cheap as all fuck adapter and daisy chain for all my 9vdc pedals,and would you believe its noise free?!?!?!?!?! :)

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