Home Forums Help/Technical Questions acuired new EHX speakers, anyone know there oregins?

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    hello i just acquired 3 new Electro Harmonix speakers and wanted to know if EHX genuinely made these or were they a buy out and relabeled?

    the specs are:

    8″ 15 Watts, 5.3oz Magnet, .75″ Voice Coil, 4 ohms. with a black label on the back of the magnet with the face logo.

    The EH Man

    I could be wrong but I believe they were made for EH by Eminence.


    Like this?


    they don’t appear to make 8″ anymore, but that’s a 10″ there…..and like Ron said, probably made for EHX by another speaker brand.


    yes thats exactly what they are and look like, just 8″ instead

    yes thats exactly what they are and look like, just 8″ instead

    yup, in that case they are ‘real’ EHX products and they are probably a very well known quality speaker under the EHX clothing too.

    …what are you gonna put them in, if you don’t mind me asking?


    actually i have no idea! i just look for great deals on any type of EHX gear i can and buy it up. i got all three of these speakers for $30! + free shipping brand new in box. so i couldn’t let that pass me by.

    I’ve been looking for cabs for them on ebay but cant find anything, if i did i was thinking about using them with the 22 CALIBER EHX amp, just for fun. (small wattage speakers so i cant use them with anything i currently have)

    i also am looking for a nice 15″ cab for a vintage Jensen speaker i have from an old Leslie 145 cabinet. (this, when i get a cab i definitely want to use it in my current rig)


    hay electro-melx scratch that idea, ive decided to build 3 of my own practice amps with them. i have a cuple schimatics lyin around.

    but does anyone have a schimatic to the EHX freedom amps or dirt road special? it would be nice to make a clone and stay faithfull to my favorit company.

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