Home Forums Help/Technical Questions About Superego and sends and returns connectors.

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  • #83147
    Angel Sanchez

    Hi guys,

    I’m about to get the Superego but I’m concern about a couple of technical issues.

    Yesterday I tried the ‘send, returns’ jacks for first time in my ‘MM 550 tap tempo’. I did as a early test of what I’ll find in the Superego. It was nice to listen the wet signal in my Pulsar while still being able to play the dry one in the MMan. Surprisingly I suddenly realized that, once the Pulsar was under the MMan’s effect loop ( send from MMan to Pulsar’s input > Pulsar’s output to MMan return) I couldn’t use it by itself, independently.

    Also, given that the Superego has its own effects loop I wonder what would be the best set up to get the most of both.

    So my questions are:

    Is it possible to use pedals independently once they are under a effects loop configuration? Let’s say, for instance: Superego send >Pog2 input >Pog2 output > Pulsar input > Pulsar output> Superego return > Superego output >amp.


    Can I use that configuration to place another effects loop (MMan TT) and so I can use whatever effect loops I’m interesting to use?

    Hope I was clear enough in my explanations.

    Thank you very much in advance.

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