Home Forums Help/Technical Questions About auto-Wah into the bass…

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    First of all, excuse my english but I’m a spanish bassist, and I know a little of English.

    I’m thinking about add to my rig (Roscoe 5 strings + EBS HD350 + EBS 410 ProLine) an auto wah effect (from EHX, off course!!!) and I have got a question:

    I know that BassBalls is a good pedal, made and thought for bass, but I search an auto wah more seemed to the Micro Q-tron (I saw the micro Q-tron video, and I love its sound posibilities, but it was a test with a guitar, NOT with a bass…)

    The problem is, the micro q-tron was made for guitar, and I’m not sure what works fine in bass. Will lose it tone with bass???

    There are any bass player who uses the micro q-tron instead of the BassBalls?

    THANKS to everybody of this MARVELOUS SITE!!!

    (If Optimus Prime was little…It would be a Bass Big Muff. It’s SURE!!!) :)

    John J

    My friend plays a Micro Q-Tron with bass, it sounds really good in LP mode although you lose alot of low tone in any of the other modes. I definitely like the Q-Tron better than the Bassballs.

    Also, welcome to the forums!


    Micro Q-tron works fine for bass. If you keep it on the “low pass” or “band pass” modes, you will not lose any low end.


    Thanks For the answers!!!

    There are very usefull for me…

    I think the Micro Q Tron is better than the BassBalls, althought is a affair about tastes…

    In a few days…my rig will have a Micro Q Tron!!! (as well a Bass Big Muff and a Octave Multiplexer…)

    I love the Pog…but it’s very expensive for me till the moment…in the future, perhaps will be mine.


    Absolutely agree!the Micro Q Tron is better than the BassBalls.

    pret auto



    There is a little bit of time I know the intention of make the “ENIGMA” (Q-Balls for bass), and I supose this is a envelope filter or similar…

    So I think I wait for “Enigma” (and perhaps for the memory boy too)…

    Somebody knows anything of there???

    (One ore time, [not “baby”] ;) excuses for my poor english…)


    theres a nice little demo of the Q-tron on Bass:


    shows some of the possibilities for bass


    Heads up, mods! Replies by “ranmori” and “manola” are spam.

    Heads up, mods! Replies by “ranmori” and “manola” are spam.

    Thanks, I’m on it.


    The last week I have received from France (Euroguitar) 3 EHX pedals….MMMMMMMMM!!! I’m disturbed of happiness…1 BassBigMuff, 1 Micro POG and 1 BassBalls.


    For the moment, (I repeat: FOR THE MOMENT, till the next GAS attack) I choose the BassBalls because i know this is a pedal for bass, and I’m afraid by the loose of tone with guitar effects. I’ve watched the video explanation of the Q Tron, and i think the Q Tron sounds a bit treble for the bass, even in the LP mode. I know, I know…I have notice the low quality of the Youtube sound…I wish try by me a Q tron in my Roscoe, and then I stay convinced finally.

    I have read about flea has got one Q Tron in his rig, but i think he preserve the signal using more signal paths or other trick what it isn’t affordable (and unknown) for me.

    Anyway, I insist: THANKS for yours helps and support, and I’m sorry for my indecission.

    And to finishing, a new question about envelope filters:

    Somebody knows anything about The ENIGMA?

    Date of release, uses and effect…(I supose that is an envelope filter, am I misunderstood?)

    Besos y abrazos from Spain!!!

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