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    A small 8-step (?) sequencer expression/CV pedal with tap tempo and random mode!

    As a lot of you newer pedals have expression pedal inputs, the idea is to expand this feature with a random or ramp up/down expression sequencer with tap tempo.

    this would be such a cool tool.

    it would turn the riddle into a stepfilter.
    the stereo polyphase into a stereo stepphaser.
    think of the amazingly cool things you could do with a memory man tt or memory boy if used with different expression settings.
    think of controlling the HOG with such a tool.

    for EHX this should be a fast and cool pedal inbetween-design.

    you need a name?

    how about “the one ring” (to rule them all!) ;-)

    please consider this.

    thanks and best regards



    Seems like this has been done bevore by EHX:


    Now, I played a little with the idea and came up with a small layout.

    wouldn’t THAT be a cool pedal?!

    c’mon everybody!








    btw. i wonder if you send out free prototypes for suggesting/guessing releases. ;-)


    diegoarts, are you from EHX team ?
    or do you live in EHX product designer brain ?…


    hi marclr17,

    EHX Team would be hypergreat! :-)

    ..but no, i only discovered a small door in my office on floor 7 1/2, which leads into Mike Matthews mind. ;-)


    damn i was thinking again:

    this may come a bit late, but wouldn’t it be great if the 8 step program sequencer had a Expression Pedal Through?

    What i mean is – it’s got CV out and an EP/CV in.

    If the pedal was in bypass, the Expression Pedal would go through to the CV input of the controlled pedal.

    say: EP > CV in > 8 STEP PROGRAM > CV out > CV in > maybe RIDDLE.
    8 Step Program Play: EP controlles 8 Step Program EP modes
    8 Step Program Stop/Bypass: EP controlles Riddle (for Pedal-Wah).

    This way you could use both ways at once!

    Is it too late to add this? Is this possible at all?

    would be killer. anyway – great, that the 8 step program gets real!

    EHX rules!



    Diego, I’d been thinking precisely the same thing about a “pedal thru” feature. Maybe the pedal is automatically fed through when the sequence is in STOP mode and there’s no pedal assignment on the 8 Step?

    Regardless, an awesome pedal! I definitely want to pick up one of these to go with the Eventide H9 I’m planning to get this spring. There’s a whole universe of subtle and not-so-subtle sounds waiting in that combination!


    H9 ?
    Thank you !
    Added here : https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/6311/


    Hi celcicelk,

    i wrote an Email to EHX about this issue, hopefully they will consider this or even better it’s as you wrote and this function’s already on board!
    would be very practical that way!



    I’ve been considering the ‘exp thru’ problem and hace a few ideas:

    1. Have a volume pedal between the 8 step and the pedal being controlled – have the 8 Step sending out a consistent full voltage (all sliders on max?) and use the volume pedal to taper the signal down to a lower voltage.

    2. Once again have a consistent full voltage being sent out from the 8 Step and use the ‘depth’ mode on the exp pedal input to control the voltage.

    May work eh?

    I started building my own 8 step sequencer 6 months ago and got this far http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=418J0Gn6vHU when I saw that EHX was releasing the 8 Step Program – I couldn’t believe it!!! I have pre-ordered an 8 Step but still plan to finish my sequencer and house it in a MoogerFooger looking case.

    Calling the ELECTRO HARMONIX TEAM – If you are looking for any staff in the UK please give me a shout!!

    Let’s see what we can do with the 8 Step on this forum – I’m excited!! :cheese:


    Great ideas. yeah, i was thinking by myself, that you could maybe plug an EP between the 8step and your controlled pedal.

    both ways should work – you’d only need one preset for this, so alright.

    a pedal through would be cool though – no preset wasted AND you could switch between preset and pedal!

    cool stuff anyway – can’t wait to get one!

    one of the most interesting pedals EHX made since the Freeze and the HOG imho.




    HOLY MOLY!!!!!


    Looks like I’m going to have to buy a MIDI controller when my 8 Step Program (finally) arrives!!

    By the way has anyone received one or tried one out yet?


    CV thru!


    EHX, you’ve done it again.

    I bet, this will be a classic!

    When will it be available?!



    GOT IT!

    …and man – it’s all i asked for and then some!

    GREAT work EHX! This IMHO is already an evergreen! There’s so much you can do with the 8 Step.
    I played with it for maybe two hours now and barely touched the surface of what this little helper is able to do.
    i mean – forget the demo video with the hog (sorry). Of course you can do so much more with the hog alone. there’s tremolo, step-filter and -wah, octave-sequencing (as shown in the demo), strange freeze-sequences.
    but then with the stereo polyphase you can actually build your own phaser-waveforms! sawtooth, vibelike, stepphaser of course. amazing!

    now – i asked for this pedal and it’s here, and now i wished it would have 12 or 16 steps. :-)

    OF course now we NEED a polyflange with CVin (as i mentioned here https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/6177/
    AND a Deluxe Stereo-Pulsar https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/2815/

    I mean – think of a Thru-Zero-Flanger where you could build your waveforms?!

    Really – Great work EHX.

    This pedal rocks and already is a classic. And because it’s affordable, i might buy another one!

    Keep on doing such great things!


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