Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback 95000 firmware update request

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  • #86391

    I saw another question on this forum about how NOT to advance automatically to track 2 after recording to track 1 in overdub mode. I am actually looking for the opposite, i.e. a way to advance automatically through ALL 6 tracks, i.e. after track2, go on to 3, then 4 etc. to 6.

    You could satisfy both these requests using a simple “auto-advance” parameter that determines the last track in the advance sequence. When htis is set to 1, it stays on track 1 rather than going to 2. When set to 2, it acts the way the unit does currently. And when set to “6” it would act the way that I would like. You might also allow “0” so that after track 6 it cycles back to track 1.

    Please consider adding this into the next firmware update. Thanks very much!


    Also, while I’m asking :) would it be possible to add or change the click sound to something that better cuts through audio, like the traditional ‘clave’ sound that’s used on many metronomes?

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