Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 9500 suddenly stop working

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    Hi folks, I own two EHX9500 and I use them A LOT every day.
    One of them suddenly stopped emitting sounds. (I’ve owned it for around a year) The only thing I can hear from it is the clik lvl. I tried to plug / un plug it, I swapped the Micro SD card from a looper to the other but I could hear the sound coming from the other looper, I’ve checked the cables I’ve prayed to all the gods I ‘ve hear of but that didn’t seemed to help either.
    Making music with these loopers is the main thing going on in my life these days so I’m in a bit of a trouble. I leave in the Netherlands.
    Anything I can do ?

    EDIT : It is suddenly working again somehow I didn’t do anything but wait and try again. I’m still quite concerned that this would happen again, has anybody experienced that before ?


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by FonkyFeel.
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