Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 45000 Input Signal Bleed

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  • #190227

    Hey, I’ve been using my 45000 looper recently with my guitar in a setup using a Boss TU-2 to split my signal into a Dry and Wet path combining at the left and right input of the tuner, here is a visualization of the signal path:

    …………..|–>OCD–>BMuff–>TS–>RAT–>L IN 45000–|
    Guitar–>TU2–|………………………………….|–>45000 Monitor Out–>AMP
    …………..|—————————>R IN 45000–|

    Hopefully that worked..

    My issue is that even with the Left and Right input pots set to 0 (fully CCW) I hear my guitar signal.
    It doesn’t make a difference if I run directly into either input; the signal is still present.

    I’ll add that I’m using a SSS strat with Fat 50’s, so not super gainy, and that even with all my gain effects turned off the signal is present.

    The result of this failure mode is that I do not have the ability to isolate each track in recording and monitoring; in my current setup this means no fully dry or wet signals and an elevated noise floor.

    Another issue I’m having, which may or may not be related, is that when I record a loop the playback level is significantly louder than the input level I’m monitoring at. All faders are set to 100% as is the Headphone pot, Input Pan Pot is set to the left.

    I’m wondering if anybody else has also experienced these issues and if there is a known culprit/solution.

    This machine has brought me lots of joy over the years and I hope I can continue using it for years to come but currently I’m experiencing less than ideal results.

    Thanks for the continuously innovative and awesome products EHX!


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Mr.Pickadilly.
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