Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 45000 Foot Switch Behavior Question

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  • #83606

    I’m considering picking up the footswitch for my 45000 Looper, but I had a question about changing loops. When switching between loops with the footswitch, will the next loop come in at the end of the current loop playing, or does it automatically interrupt the current loop? I have not-so-perfect timing and would love it if it would come in at the end (almost like putting the next loop in a queue).


    It would be nice if an EHX employee could monitor these forums and answer simple questions like this one, especially for those who have recently plopped down $500 for one of their products and is ready to plop down more.


    If anyone knows the answer to this question, please help me out. Thank you!


    Finally got a response by emailing EHX directly:

    “If a loop is playing and you want to change loops using the 45000 Foot Controller, it does so after the current loop plays out to its end. So you queue up the next loop, it does not change immediately.

    Let’s say you have Loop 2 playing, with 3 bars left on the loop. Then you press the UP FSW twice for Loop 4, the number 4 is blinking on the 45000’s Foot Controller display. When the Loop 2 comes to its end, Loop 4 will begin playing.”

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