Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 44 Magnum is EPIC FAIL

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    44 Magnum is FAIL. I’ve tried everything this week to make it successfully push the “wet” side of a stereo setup. I moved my noise gate around, bought a “noise suppressing” surge protector (no improvement), borrowed a friend’s Furman Power conditioner and it made NO difference. I wonder if the 22 Calibur has the same problem, but my local EHX dealer is out of those.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE EHX products typically, But I wish I had one more hand because I’d give the 44 Magnum 3 thumbs DOWN.

    I imagine, EHX would suggest I buy one of their “hum debuggers”, but between: POG2, Memory Boy, Holy Grail Nano, Electric Mistress and 44 Magnum, I’ve already pumped almost $1,000 into the company THIS YEAR ALONE. I’ll be damned if I’m going to go spend ANOTHER $150 to “debug” something that shouldn’t be there to begin with.

    After calling and leaving 2 messages with Tech support and NO RETURN Call after 4 days, I’m Returning my 44 this afternoon. EHX Tech support is also FAIL.

    Biggest disappointment since the Holy Stain. It really lived up to it’s name and was equally garbage.

    The EH Man

    You bitch and moan but never say what the actual problem is. You just say you tried “to make it successfully push the “wet” side of a stereo setup”.

    The singer in my last band used a 44 for his guitar and never had a problem with it.


    You “administrate” and “verbally chastise” selectively. I initially chimed in on another thread where someone else was experiencing the same issue, which, is an annoying high pitched humming sound. See below.


    I guess I assumed my references to the “Hum Debugger” would have tipped you off to the problem within the context of the thread.

    One of the biggest selling points by EHX on the 44 Magnum was “how clean it sounds”. It’s simply not true. I assumed that it was a ground loop issue at first because the “amp” by itself was RELATIVELY clean (with a little hiss, no biggy) at the “8 o’clock” position that I was using it at. The “gnat buzzing” sound only happened when I fed the stereo out side of my effects loop to the 44. So, then I tried all the aforementioned methods to eliminate what I thought to be ground loop.

    Once the borrowed power conditioner failed. I once again went straight into the 44 and started dialing up the knob to where it “overdrives”. Low and Behold, the SAME high frequency hum revealed itself and led me to the conclusion that it was a problem inherent to the 44 itself (or it’s power supply) and NOT the product of ground loop.

    I had seen this as a known issue on reviews, but it seemed to be mostly contained to Keyboard players.

    Thanks for being so helpful instead of hostile, Admin. Oh wait…..

    The EH Man

    That’s strange. I know the singer turned his up fairly high and we never heard any unusual noises from it. I’ve never tried one myself so I don’t know what it would be.
    That thread is from May 2011. I didn’t recall it.

    BTW, the 22 Caliber is discontinued. That’s probably why your dealer doesn’t have one in stock.


    Maybe I’m just ‘lucky’ and got a lemon 44. The day before album release party….sigh.


    i had TERRIBLE sound with my rig after i bought the 22cal but i stripped a wire and taped it from the chassis to the ground in the outlet. fixed all problems. easy

    Apan Pierre
    i had TERRIBLE sound with my rig after i bought the 22cal but i stripped a wire and taped it from the chassis to the ground in the outlet. fixed all problems. easy

    Problem solved! Many thanks! Merry Christmas,

    i had TERRIBLE sound with my rig after i bought the 22cal but i stripped a wire and taped it from the chassis to the ground in the outlet. fixed all problems. easy

    Problem solved! Many thanks! Merry Christmas,

    Hi, I have this problem too. Can someone post a pic of where to put the wire on the ‘outlet’. I don’t want to blow mysrlf up but i do want the hum to go away! Thanks

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