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    yep. in only 3 to 5 business days, i will be yet again receiving through the us postal system another brilliant ehx product. this time, it will be a cathedral. i will try and get a review once it gets here but just excited right now and thought i would tell you guys

    Mr Dreadful


    In 1-3 business days, via the Royal Mail (soon to be privatised… 🙄 when will our benificent overlords realise that privatisation tends to cause more problems than it solves?), I’m expecting to receive a Memory Boy. :D


    congrats on the cathedral i assure you that its gonna be the BEST most versatile reverb you have ever heard, remember to plug it in stereo if you can the resulting sound is phenomenal…

    in other news, in 3-5 business dates i ll receive a diggeridoo and a tibetan singing bowl…


    In 0-1 (I haven’t checked the post today yet) business days I’ll receive a pink wheel for the wii… I’m so damn cool.

    In 0-1 (I haven’t checked the post today yet) business days I’ll receive a pink wheel for the wii… I’m so damn cool.

    off-topic: i just got that 25th Anniversary Mario collection and it is THE GAME.. brought back a lot of joyful memories :P


    Hi people, I am new here. I am Looking for friends and help.

    Mr Dreadful

    If you need help with something and join a forum for the purpose of finding that help you get much further if you make your own thread and state what exactly you need help with. :D


    I have a more relevant development; been getting SUCH good feedback about the new songs that I’ve been writing (and singing on) that I’ve ordered a large diaphragm condenser microphone so I can do it properly, nothing fancy, just a T.Bone SC400 and a pop-shield. At the moment I’m using a Red 5 Audio RVD30 which is a bit like an SM57 or Audix i5, sounds great on guitar, but it’s not suited to vocals at all.

    Fingers crossed for that arriving tomorrow :)


    should arrive today. i borrowed my buddies amp so i can do stereo. i have a stereo electric mistress so that i can split the signal. i have pt (physical training, im in the army) tonight and school right now so i will only be able to get to my new cathedral around 8

    should arrive today. i borrowed my buddies amp so i can do stereo. i have a stereo electric mistress so that i can split the signal. i have pt (physical training, im in the army) tonight and school right now so i will only be able to get to my new cathedral around 8

    Haha, I bet today goes SOOOOO slowly for ya XD


    i got back home around 9ish. plugged everything in (put the screws back in my amp too after working on it). realized that i didnt have enough cables for the stereo part but i had enough for it and my bmptw. put power into the cathedral and it wouldnt turn on. with minor panic (and a lot of cuss words), i looked at the setup and realized i hadnt plugged in the 6″ patch cable between the two pedals. relieved, i hooked that up. no lights. in medium sized panic, i read over the power info (model #, current, volts, other stuff) for both (i already had a 2nd luckily because of my stereo electric mistress) and they were the exact same except the plastic shape itself. i thought that was weird. so i switched power supplies and lights came on! plugged in and played. i tried both power supplies many different ways and i have come to the reasonable conclusion that the power supply that came with the cathedral is broke in some way. i am gonna try and get a new one and call tomorrow but i dont see myself needing both (cathedral and stereo electric mistress) on at the same time but still, justin case. well i got an AMAZING drone going but i couldnt figure how to get normal reverb going. i have watched the pro guitar shop demo before about a billion times so i brought it to the computer, added power and went to youtube. as i watched the video, i saved (and stole) each knob setting shown. then i took it back to the amp and they sounded wonderful. well thats pretty much it. i am extremely tired and i didnt plan on writing that much or even getting on the computer but i will post a review in the review section when i get the change. goodnight everyone. thanks ehx. be expecting my call tomorrow





    i got back home around 9ish. plugged everything in (put the screws back in my amp too after working on it). …

    I really liked reading this post. you should start a pedal blog called ‘GAS fulfilled’ or something.

    [also, was “Justin Case” a Carmen Sandiago reference?]


    actually, justin case was a safe auto refrence

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