Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback 2880 Software Upgrade 2.0: Current Problems/Lacking Features

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    I’m getting more comfortable now with my 2880, and also like to see some things mentioned:

    1. on/off and 2. separate reverse/octave controls for each channel via a second (or new) foot switch

    3. tap tempo

    4. xlr input

    something I haven’t seen anyone else mention is a digital read out of bpm, and I’d like to see another read out of measure number. If we could get that, you could make loops for different time signatures, though it might take a little math if you did anything out of x/4 time. But it’d make x/4 signatures a lot easier.

    What I do like that I didn’t think I’d use is the transfer file ability to computer. this is as easy as dragging and dropping if you use Garage Band.

    Here’s some tunes I made with Garage Band, my 2880, and my Dano 6/4:


    I have also used the midi to sync with drum beats in garage band using an m-audio usb-midi cable. I had to download a freeware program but it works well. I think this is it:


    Not sure if I could really do what I wanted live with how this thing is set up now though. I’ve seen things on the big Boss looper that will do on/off different tracks, unfortunately I’ve read it won’t slave for midi. I’d like to stay with EH though, they are great. hope they can make an inexpensive fix!

    San Patricio

    I’m a newbie here, and can’t quite figure out how to start my own forum, so I’m posting my question here! I bought the 2880 in January, and I still haven’t managed to get the the usb connec. to my Mac to work. I bought a card reader, which someone had suggested on one of these forums supposedly to be able to format the card to work with the computer. The card reader allows me to access the loops but only if the the card is in the reader. Perhaps the card is funky? It’s a Q Memory 1 GB compact flash card. Should I replace the card?
    Second concern: Today, (and it’s happened before), I was jamming along with a mixdown master track and it keeps cutting out and will only start again if I fiddle around with the mixdown slider and push the volume all the way up. If I can’t get this figured out, it will render a fairly expensive investment basically useless if I can’t depend on it in a performance setting. Anyways, hopefully someone may be able to help me get this figured out. Thanks.


    I agree. I would like for it NOT to switch to next track upon entering overdub. I find this very annoying. To get a nice clean seamless loop it needs to stay on the track i just recorded. When it switches I then have the next track with a small piece of my first loop. I also think that all tracks should clear after mixdown. I thought the mixdown was to free up the first 4 tracks, but all the loops are still there. Also I think the volume/feedback slider system is whacked. It would be nice to have a ‘what you here is what you get’ system like the Repeater.


    i’m kind of amazed at how many people use the click track on this- I tried once and thought “well that was nice, now I do not have to ever use that again”. is it really that hard to count to rhythm?

    ‘Undo’ or ‘Clear Track’ buttons would be nice.
    as would l/r channel or track selectable muting (you know, hit a button and all the sudden the drums come crashing in).
    maybe multiple cf card bays + a selection switch (that’d be, what, DP48T? lol) [actually this could be a separate product] to make song transitions not feel as much like changing games on an NES.

    multiply would be handy too but i think i’d get lazy and use it too often so maybe leave that out.

    Asynchronous loops[/

    That those and this

    I have gathered the following possible software changes from https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/1464/

    • Independent OCTAVE UP & OCTAVE DOWN function for each channel (at the same time Master Octave should remain)

    • Independent REVERSE function for each channel (or even PLAY MODE button: play backward, play forward<->backward, one shot playback)

    • Tap tempo

    • Asynchronous loops

    • A better LIVE mix-down (option to simply clear out the 4 loops when mixdown is complete, or something that would prevent a second pass over dub/jump in volume.)

    • Save multiple loop sets

    • On/Off switch for Feedback control with sliders

    • Mute channel buttons

    None of this should even be hard to do. Their arrogance as they save the Stairway to Heaven, for all the real engies that put in real time. ;)

    I agree. I would like for it NOT to switch to next track upon entering overdub. I find this very annoying. To get a nice clean seamless loop it needs to stay on the track i just recorded. When it switches I then have the next track with a small piece of my first loop. I also think that all tracks should clear after mixdown. I thought the mixdown was to free up the first 4 tracks, but all the loops are still there. Also I think the volume/feedback slider system is whacked. It would be nice to have a ‘what you here is what you get’ system like the Repeater.

    As far as I know, mixdown simply throws everything (using the corrosponding set volumes from 1-4 and paste it to the mixdown track. I either don’t don’t how to delete them all at once either or count your lucky stars that EHX will possilby one day where you can clear 1-4 while maintining info on mixdown.

    About the general recording, I’ve had one of this since x-mas and it happened before, because I honestly can’t remember what I did, and now it’s doing it again. This clipped up loop crap is reallly annnoying me. Crap, do I REALLY have to resort to the click?!?! :)

    You guys are probably laughing at me and my ignorance. The true “pros” are laughing because we only have 1 PC screen.


    What is the probability of EHX releasing a software update that incorporates some of these changes?


    Some comments …..

    I think my biggest ‘wants’ out of a 2880 upgrade would be :

    1. Add the possibility of polyrythmic looping.

    2. Ability to enter ‘Constant Mixdown Mode’ without having to stop the 2880 first.

    3. Clipping issue (this is probably hardware related) – my 2880 clips way too easily….would be nice if it didn’t.

    4. Sort out midi sync so that its trustworthy and doesn’t do the ‘whoosh’ thing.

    Whats the likelihood of an upgrade occurring ? I’d gladly pay a small amount for an O/S upgrade…especially if it added the polyrhythmic loops feature.



    Ah yes the clipping issue, this is my number one wish for a fix! Please give us more headroom!!!

    All the other features would be nice but the clipping almost kills it. I have to practically keep my input knobs all the way down. It is very hard to work with dynamics. I have been using the 2880 as part of a large setup for years now and love it, deal with it as best I can but sometimes I think it’s time to invest in perhaps a Looperlative. Or maybe go the software route with Mobius.

    More Headroom Please! Thanks for listening.


    I am re posting this on it’s own here.

    The Clipping Issue!

    Is there a fix? How hard would it be to increase headroom on the inputs?

    This is my number one wish for a fix! Please give us more headroom!!!

    All the other features would be nice but the clipping almost kills it. I have to practically keep my input knobs all the way down. It is very hard to work with dynamics. I have been using the 2880 as part of a large setup for years now and love it, deal with it as best I can but sometimes I think it’s time to invest in perhaps a Looperlative. Or maybe go the software route with Mobius.

    More Headroom Please! Thanks for listening.

    all the best!



    I realize it would be quite an undertaking, but I would like to suggest the idea of an external hard drive or hard drive-type device for the 2880, accessible via an adapter through the Compact Flash drive.

    I love my 2880, but the possibility of saving multiple sets of loops is something that I would kill for. Something like an iPod-type device that allows the user to save sets of loops and queue them up into the 2880 would allow for some great live performances, and furthermore, would allow users to manipulate and chop saved loops without losing the original recording.


    (most of the features i’ve just read of look kinda hardware related to me…)


    it would be very useful if the 2880 could really handle 2 channels since it has 2 inputs as a stereo one.

    i use the 2880 with my guitar and voice and, as long as i don’t want to record only one of them while playing both, i’m having pretty good results with it.

    for now one it can do the trick with the level faders in stereo mode (cut the right on 1/2, cut the left on 3/4), leaving you with only 2 tracks left. it could be at least a bit useable if the damn “ending new loop” didn’t systematically overdub on next track…

    ive programed my midi controller to send both “push play button” and “select track” but the 2880 doesn’t seem to “hear” both. same with “direct track select” instead of “select track button”.

    to be simple, i’d like (LOVE) a third mode added along stéréo and mono ones.
    call it 2 channels mode for example.
    it would route the audio signal as in stéréo mode (left to tracks 1 and 3, right to tracks 2 and 4) but permit individual selection of them (track select, direct select, mute/unmute…), as in mono mode.

    and, of course, the ability to overdub on the same track directly after record of a new loop




    I read thru this thread quickly. Has anyone brought up the lack of stereo dry out? I dont quite understand why the dry out isn’t stereo, if you are recording a stereo signal through the unit. I have no idea if this is possible in firmware, but I am try to decide wether or not I am going to keep this unit. most of my guitar sounds are in stereo.

    I read thru this thread quickly. Has anyone brought up the lack of stereo dry out? I dont quite understand why the dry out isn’t stereo, if you are recording a stereo signal through the unit. I have no idea if this is possible in firmware, but I am try to decide wether or not I am going to keep this unit. most of my guitar sounds are in stereo.

    although it works on kind of a strange logic if any, the unit actually does have stereo dry outputting.
    have you tried reading the manual?

    just turn its (dry out one) pan pot to the left
    (right for inverted stereo, center for “mono”)

    DRY OUT Fader and Pan Pot: The DRY OUT Fader and Pan Pot give you the ability to monitor your
    instrument when recording or to play along with a loop you have already recorded. Adjust the output volume of your
    instrument using the DRY OUT Fader. Use the Pan Pot to direct the Left and Right Inputs to the Left and Right Outputs.
    When Pan is set to the CCW position, the Left Input is monitored at the Left Output and the Right Input is monitored at
    the Right Output. When Pan is set to the CW position, the Left Input is monitored at the Right Output and the Right
    Input is monitored at the Left Output. When Pan is set to the middle, both Inputs are mixed to both Outputs. The
    setting of the DRY OUT Fader and the Pan Pot have no influence on the signal that is recorded.

    Oh jeez, Thanks. I read through the manual a few times, but I think i must have glossed over that part thinking it was talking about panning. I would not have expected to use the pan pot to get a stereo signal.


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