Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880 sesequent loop WAY too loud

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    I’ve been using this looper for almost a year and never had this issue. Each time I end my first loop I hit “play” to keep the sound going so the music doesnt stop. Today after doing this, the loop I just did would be WAY too loud. I even tried switching back to just hitting record again to try to rectify the isue, and nope, no change.

    Doesn’t anyone hve a clue as to what might/IS making thi shappen? I use this bay every day. Someone, please help. -Tim

    Thank you for our time and patience


    *bump* really? no one knows?


    Sadly most of us don’t have the 2880 (jealous). Not too many EHX staff hang out on here recently, and hopefully other users simply aren’t having this problem, so if you don’t get an answer on here go to info@ehx.com.



    Hmm… That’s bizarre. Are the outputs of the 2880 going into any other effect pedals? Or may be try returning everything to unity. The pans – back to center position, the “dry out” faders, track faders, and “mix down” faders – bring all the way up. Then readjust the gain input for the instrument. If it’s still louder through the outputs, try seeing if the same thing happens using the headphone output.

    Just some thoughts.


    does it happen every time you record? on every channel (like, if you were to record an empty loop for track one, then record on track two, is track two too loud)? if you use a fader while it’s in playback mode, is it cutting out sound all the way when the fader is at zero?


    I had a 2880 and sold it :( My question is do you have the feedback turned up to where when the loop is repeating it just gets louder and louder? You have to turn the slider down to half (I think) because above half it will cause each loop to grow louder and louder (This is the feedback control on the sliders). I may be totally wrong but that’s what I remember.


    really? oscillating feedback on the loops seems like a daft idea. also mine doesn’t have that “feature”- it has attenuating feedbacks and ‘off’ on the sliders, nothing where it would grow unless you continue to overdub the mixdown track (which results in really really harsh digital diode clipping, the likes of which even a fabtone can’t muster)

    Hmm… That’s bizarre. Are the outputs of the 2880 going into any other effect pedals? Or may be try returning everything to unity. The pans – back to center position, the “dry out” faders, track faders, and “mix down” faders – bring all the way up. Then readjust the gain input for the instrument. If it’s still louder through the outputs, try seeing if the same thing happens using the headphone output.

    Just some thoughts.

    You can’t be serious. Wouldn’t that not only destroy all my gear but make me deaf? Are you serious? I asssume I’d be using a surge protector.

    does it happen every time you record? on every channel (like, if you were to record an empty loop for track one, then record on track two, is track two too loud)? if you use a fader while it’s in playback mode, is it cutting out sound all the way when the fader is at zero?

    No, I’m very OCD. First off I never use stereo-mode (just sayin’) and secondingly, yea, the faders are all up like normal. Funny you ask though because it doesn’t happen every time i play (or record, as I use a big boxy digitial recorder and they really create feedback). I guess track 1 in your situation would be the loud one, even though the LED and signal move over to 2. Get what I mean? Still, anyone?

    I had a 2880 and sold it :( My question is do you have the feedback turned up to where when the loop is repeating it just gets louder and louder? You have to turn the slider down to half (I think) because above half it will cause each loop to grow louder and louder (This is the feedback control on the sliders). I may be totally wrong but that’s what I remember.

    you were playing a track and adjusting the speed. There is simulate tape speed on it.

    So dumb to ever sell this this. It has it’s bugs no doubt, but at least at least mostly imo, they’re things EHX can and probably will simple add to the unit as time goes on.

    Hmm… That’s bizarre. Are the outputs of the 2880 going into any other effect pedals? Or may be try returning everything to unity. The pans – back to center position, the “dry out” faders, track faders, and “mix down” faders – bring all the way up. Then readjust the gain input for the instrument. If it’s still louder through the outputs, try seeing if the same thing happens using the headphone output.

    Just some thoughts.

    You can’t be serious. Wouldn’t that not only destroy all my gear but make me deaf? Are you serious? I asssume I’d be using a surge protector.

    I am serious, and no, doing this won’t “destroy all your gear” or make you deaf.

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