Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880… please help

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  • #78467

    hi there

    i’m thinking of getting a 2880 for my live shows, but i need to know something first.

    let’s say i record the 4 tracks and play them back while i play my guitar on top of them;
    then, after 2 bars i mute tracks 2 and 4 (simultaneously) while tracks 1 and 3 are still playing
    and again after 4 bars i recall tracks 2 and 4 back in (simultaneously).

    Can i do this?? and if yes How??

    in other words i need to know if i can use the 2880 as a proper live mixer/recorder
    on which i can mute/solo (simultaneously if i need to) the tracks in question.

    thanks for your help!


    you can do this — but you would have to have a free hand to move down the volume sliders on tracks you wanted muted — then when you want them back just move the volume sliders on those tracks back up


    thanks for the reply…
    so that is the only way…

    no way of doing it hands off ??


    You can hook up a midi foot controller and use that to mute/un-mute specific tracks depending on the Control Change # you send in. I’m trying to do this with my Roland FC-300 midi foot controller.


    that’s good to know…
    do u suggest to buy a particular midi foot controller like your roland or i can use the 2880 controller pedal as well.
    i would go for the cheapest one!


    Behringer has a pretty cheap one. I’m still working on getting mine programmed and synced up to the 2880. Having a problem mapping the CC#’s to 100+ which is what the record/play/new loop functions need.



    yes ..i’ve seen all the assignable parameters on page26 of the manual.

    Do u reckon i can use the 2880 foot controller switches to assign the mute/unmute function
    in addition to the record and play ones…i can get a new one at a very cheap price.

    would be great to make the 2880 controller as flexible as possible.

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